Final Day with Family
We’ve had a full, very full, week with James and Andrew and their visit comes to an end with many memories.
Since it was Sunday, we spent the morning at the Bastille market. I must have a 1000 photos from over the years but took just a few more to give you a flavor. It is iconic, no matter the season and is a total sensory experience: sight, smells, sounds, sometimes touch unless you get scolded…ha! And occasionally taste if you’re offered a sample. The crowds were huge which was a bit surprising.

We stepped just across the street to Cafe Francais for their wonderful brunch and got a surprise visit from who else but S.C.!
For the afternoon, James and Andrew made a journey to the Left Bank while L & B pretty much crashed. We met for a quick dinner and said our warm Au Revoirs after a delightful week. They headed back to Nashville early this morning.
Today is catch-up, rest, and laundry day as life does go on. We cancelled our dinner with Chantal tonight because of Bernie’s really bad cold and will catch her after we get back.
Still trying for day tix to see the windows at Notre Dame.
Have a good week,
L & B
P.S. Two additional photos from our day at Montmartre…first Le Moulin Rouge and right across the street a Five Guys. Just seems so wrong to me!
December 16, 2024 @ 1:17 pm
Love the market! Five Guys “don’t seem right!”
December 16, 2024 @ 2:35 pm
I totally agree!
December 16, 2024 @ 1:37 pm
We could almost smell and feel the market! So glad you had a wonderful time with James and Andrew, and Bernie’s cousins, but so sorry you’ve both been under the weather. Stay home, get cozy, and rest up.
December 16, 2024 @ 3:21 pm
What a busy day! I always love the Bastille market, crowds and all. Fresh seafood, fruits, flowers, and even purses, scarves, Knick-knacks – there’s something for everyone. Your photos do it justice!
December 16, 2024 @ 3:48 pm
Those franchises are creeping into Paris. Ugh. A few years ago, I was stopped by a couple of Americans and asked where was the subway. I thought they wanted the metro, and answered as such. No, they wanted the Subway restaurant. Really? With all the great restaurants around they wanted Subway! zi was left shaking my head.
December 16, 2024 @ 4:24 pm
Yes, about 10 years ago, I remember when the Subway opened on rue St. Paul in what had been a precious little jewelry store. The grand opening spilled onto the street and they served champagne to a flock of people. It made me so sad.
December 16, 2024 @ 4:46 pm
THE PRESENCE OF THE FIVE GUYS, KRISPY KREME, OR SUBWAY RESTAURANTS DON’T BOTHER ME. But I can see where the large signage might diminish the character of Paris. These are organizations that might be interested in your observations. We’ve seen fancy towns that limit the size and locations of signs — and it works.
Mairie de Paris (City Hall of Paris): The local government in Paris handles matters related to urban planning and city aesthetics. You can submit a formal complaint or suggestion through the City Hall’s official website or by contacting them directly. They may also offer public consultations or hearings on such issues. You can visit their website here to get in touch with them.
Paris Monument Preservation Office (Service des Monuments Historiques): This office is responsible for the preservation of Paris’s historical sites and public spaces. They manage issues regarding urban aesthetics and the conservation of the city’s heritage. While their primary focus is on historical monuments, they might also take into account the impact of modern signage on the city’s visual identity.
Association “Paris Liberté”: This is a non-governmental organization dedicated to the preservation of Paris’s historic charm and its unique urban landscape. They advocate for limiting commercial signage in favor of maintaining the city’s aesthetic and identity. You can reach out to them for advice or support in voicing your concerns.
Le Conseil de Paris (Council of Paris): The City Council is the governing body of Paris. It occasionally holds meetings that are open to public input, where issues like this could be raised. You can attend these meetings or contact council members to express your concerns.
Public Petitions: You might consider starting or signing a petition related to the issue of excessive signage in Paris. Platforms like allow individuals to create petitions that can gather widespread support and possibly prompt action from relevant authorities.
December 16, 2024 @ 5:58 pm
Wow, Pat, you did a lot of research here. I’m sorry if I didn’t make myself clear. It’s not about the signage for me but the invasion on the cultural space of all that Paris is and what it represents. Putting something so very American across from one of the most iconic and historic representations of Paris is a bit of blasphemy to me. Money talks and it seems that’s the only thing that is important anymore to people or to cities.
December 16, 2024 @ 7:05 pm
Thanks Linda, I get it now. Actually, it took ChapGPT about 1/2 a second to do this research. You know I couldn’t come up with this.
Thank you
December 16, 2024 @ 7:41 pm
Aw, of course.
December 16, 2024 @ 7:57 pm
What a sensory experience this must have been. I am fascinated by all the lively flowers, greenery & food. How wonderful. I am enjoying your posts with gorgeous photographs. Thank you! Rest up. Get well fast wishes for Bernie.
December 16, 2024 @ 9:41 pm
Thanks for sharing your experiences in Paris, you make my day😘🤩.
Loved your creative access to NDame the other night, worthy of Houdini😎. You take me there😍. Thanks 😇
December 21, 2024 @ 5:25 pm
The market is still so vibrant even in December!! I would agree it’s weird to have anything “commercialized” at Montmartre! Glad y’all have sweet memories with James and Andrew!