A Final Pandemic Post on Friendships in Paris
Bonjour mes amis,
Thanks for joining us through this very strange and scary journey over the past ten weeks. Bernie and I are doing well but have decided to allow several weeks to pass before we go out and see what happens in Alabama with COVID-19 spread. Our cases go up every day but onward we march. We are carefully wearing masks and in some cases gloves depending on where we are. City government did open up enough for Bernie to get his car tag and title for the new Tesla. He was most impressed with their process and felt very safe.
May 31 was to be our departure date for Paris so, of course, we will be sad on that day. However, it’s just not the year to travel abroad. We will drink a Kir Royale on that evening to toast so many years of delight in Paris. If cases stay down, we will spend a week in June at Bernie’s timeshare on Satellite Beach, near Cocoa Beach, Florida.
I must give a shout-out to our friend, Carolyn Barnabo Roberts who lives on the English sea coast. Earlier this week, she fell and broke her patella followed by surgery. Those who remember know that I did the very same thing five years ago. Recovery is a long journey, but if you take it slowly, life will return to 98% of what it was before!! All the best to Carolyn and her sweet caregiver, Clive.
I have selected for this last post a glimpse into some of our most cherished experiences in Paris. . . all the visitors we’ve had. Some of the photos have been deleted over the years so if I’ve missed you, I apologize. Years of memories with so many of you enrich us every day, and we cherish your friendships. I will try to caption these so you will know who’s who. The photos never load like I want them to but you’ll get the idea.
Love to each of you and blessings to our country during this most challenging time. History will have a field day sorting this situation out! Bernie and I have very definite opinions on this but we’ve tried to keep this blog away from politics. We pray for unity, for even-handedness, empathy, integrity, and a move away from the tribalism and hatefulness that has so engulfed our country. We’re old enough to remember better days. Let’s hope they return!
A bientôt
L & B

May 16, 2020 @ 3:30 pm
So many good times with so many good friends! Here’s to many more of both, here and abroad!
May 16, 2020 @ 3:38 pm
How very delightful!!! So many good memories. I hope it works out for you and Bernie to go to the beach. We’re contemplating an isolated cabin in NC. 🤞🏻
May 16, 2020 @ 3:42 pm
Thank you, Linda, what a tribe of friends in Paris! One of my favorite photos of me from Paris is t my reading during the Spalding residency which is often my Facebook cover photo –I think it was 2012. Also, there’s the shot of the two of us having a drink after we placed the book at Shakespeare and Company If I can find that I’ll send it along for you. You look so beautiful in those summer dresses, and Bernard is handsome as ever! We all must be models of sanity in our state right now — sounds like you and Bernie are doing your part. Wear masks, stay home as much as possible, be safe.
Much love,
May 16, 2020 @ 3:57 pm
Thanks for sharing the wonderful photos. Take care of yourselves.
May 16, 2020 @ 4:04 pm
I loved seeing these photos – and the smiles! Aren’t pictures wonderful! thank you for sharing and creating moments of joy!
May 16, 2020 @ 4:15 pm
Many good memories! We will all get back there in time.
May 16, 2020 @ 5:57 pm
Great photos, Linda. Saw a bunch of old friends.
May 16, 2020 @ 7:25 pm
Such a great post. Ya’ll have been the most amazing hosts, sharing your love of Paris so freely. I hope we can be the beneficiaries some day. Much love!
May 16, 2020 @ 7:49 pm
Great memories! Thanks for posting!
May 16, 2020 @ 7:50 pm
It is fun just to watch how much fun you guys always have! Thank,you!
May 17, 2020 @ 1:08 pm
Great selection. Some may have been before my time because I don’t remember them. Just missing one thing — a café chair. Thank you for some great entertainment this spring. Pat & Sybil
May 18, 2020 @ 8:29 pm
What a poignant post, Linda, to see so many cherished friendships and memories made in Paris.
Thank you for the shout out and encouraging messages of support about my knee. I promise to follow your inspirational example, do all exercises and look forward to a return to nearly-normal 🙂
Looking forward to the day we can all meet again in our beloved City of Light. Love to you and Bernie from me and Clive xx