Fun Times with the Shorys
Our Memorial Day weekend was delightful. We drove up to Louisville, Kentucky to see our friends, the Shorys. Bill was the News Director during some of my time as GM at WHNT; his wife, Michelle who just got her Doctorate and their precious daughter Isabella (Izzy) treated us to a wonderful holiday weekend. And not to forget their little dog, Athena, who took an immediate liking to both of us. They have visited us in Paris twice; Michelle has taught French and loves speaking with Bernie. I went to their wedding up in Wisconsin and have watched with much joy as they have built their lives together.

We enjoyed all the good food, a tour of downtown Louisville including the Louisville Sluggers’ Museum and a stop at Churchill Downs for some horse racing. Unfortunately, the most dramatic and memorable part of the trip was a horrible storm and tornado that struck right in their neighborhood. One person was killed. Their home was spared, thank goodness as was my car (parked outside), but we were without power Sunday evening and Monday morning. Thanks to Bill, we were well stocked with all kinds of chargers, flashlights and candles with LED lights. We all adapted but it was interesting to say the least.
I thought it would be fun to cycle back through Paris memories for both of their trips. Paris is a big deal in the Shory house. Hope you enjoy.

And now their first trip when Izzy was only 8 or 9. She was enamored with Paris.
So many memories with so much company over the past 20 years. Some of the very best are with the Shorys.
Hope your Memorial Day was “formidable” as the French would say.
A bientôt
L & B
May 28, 2024 @ 7:24 pm
What a great idea to combine your Paris and USA trips. Plus, we get to see the kids growing up. Izzy gets lovelier every year. But what a hair raiser with those storms. Glad everyone is ok, as well as their house.
Do keep posting every so often, when it suits you. I enjoy seeing your “old friends” in other settings.
May 28, 2024 @ 7:37 pm
Handsome family!
May 28, 2024 @ 8:14 pm
Lovely pictures. And my friends also are not making trips to Paris this summer. everyone is staying away, too many people!
Actually I love it in Paris in December and January. One year when I was in school there, it snowed. I mean I as a NYer wouldnt call it snow, it was about 2 inches at most!! That to me was not snow, but to my flatmates it was drifts! They didnt want to walk in it. People were slipping all over the place. So I had to go out to get food! And of. course I didnt have boots!
A great thing about January is that is when the sales start. All over, every store. Including Hermes. So many things on sale!
Enjoy your summer, enjoy your trip in December! I’ll bet you will be surprised that you will love it there then!
May 28, 2024 @ 9:25 pm
Izzy is getting prettier each year. How old is she now. Glad you had a good time.
June 1, 2024 @ 10:47 am
Issy is 15 going on 25. Such a mature, delightful young lady.
May 28, 2024 @ 10:30 pm
What a lovely adventure minus the storm. It was fun to revisit Paris! Happy to hear you all had such fun.
May 29, 2024 @ 3:20 am
Great photos and happy times! So lovely 💕
May 29, 2024 @ 3:27 am
Lovely photos! Always enjoy your trips to Paris (feel like I am there!) You seem to be growing younger every year💕Lovely!
June 1, 2024 @ 10:46 am
Please, please send me an email for a time to have lunch. Terry Lewis and I were discussing how much we miss you yesterday at lunch!
May 29, 2024 @ 5:04 am
Love it – no mention of the slugger??
May 29, 2024 @ 8:09 pm
Love these, and especially remember this beautiful young girl, who looks quite at home in Paris. What a lovely family!
As for your weekend, so very grateful that you all survived the weather. Now that’s another memory for the books.
Loving your blog.