Gray, Gray and More Gray: the Color of Paris
I always marvel at folks who say they love Paris in the rain. All of you who do would absolutely love the last few days as the weather by my standards has been awful. It certainly puts a damper on our activities. Combine that with still not feeling well, and I apologize for few photos yesterday.
Mostly what we did was check out the new Metro connection to Orly Airport on Line 14 in anticipation of Bernie’s son arrival tomorrow. Bernie will meet them around 9:30. They will be staying just up the street from us at a little 3-star hotel on rue de Turenne. I feel badly for them about the weather and about the impossibility of not getting them into Notre Dame. The tickets are sold out, sold out, sold out and can only be reserved 48 hours in advance. I did actually get onto the site this early this morning which is in some way progress. I’m stressing for fear that perhaps we won’t even get in. Maybe in January right before we leave. How ironic will that be given that our main reason for coming at this time of year was to see the magnificence of the renovation.
We started our day with the fabulous brunch at Cafe Francais. If you want a treat on a Sunday morning, this is your venue. We always forget how much food it includes and leave stuffed for the day. The basket of bread which comes first with your choice of coffee has baguettes, Pain au chocolat, croissants, pound cake and fruit cake served with scrumptious tubes (yes, tubes of butter) and apricot jam. That’s followed by eggs of your choice, salad, pomme frites and then dessert!
Cafe Francais is located on La Place de la Bastille at the intersection with rue St. Antoine. We passed on visiting the Sunday Bastille market which is just not the same in the rain. I did get a photo of the Port de Paris at Le Bastille as we were getting onto Line 1.
We met our dear friend and former neighbor Chantal for an evening aperitif at Le Bouquet St. Paul. She is doing well after what she called a “tough year.’ So funny to hear her talk about the summer. Her comment was that there was no one here except those who had tickets for the Olympic events. The usual tourists (like us) did not come, and all the Parisians left. She said it was eerily quiet. She passed the time in Germany and missed it all. Circulation was difficult and the river was blocked off. We talked about a little of everything: Assad in Syria, Trump, economy, and made further arrangements to see each other before she leaves for Christmas.

Today will be busy greeting Bernie’s son. Some of you know the routine: getting euros, getting subway tix, etc. We’ve hosted so many of you. Good memories abound.
A bientôt
L & B
December 9, 2024 @ 11:29 am
I hope the sun shines and you’re feeling better soon
December 9, 2024 @ 12:39 pm
I’m so sorry that the weather is putting a damper on your visit. However I am happy to hear it hasn’t kept you prisoner to it. I do hope and pray that you will be able at some point to get tickets to Notre Dame. In the meantime enjoy your friends and family’s visits, and of course the food!
December 9, 2024 @ 12:56 pm
Linda and Bernie
I am praying you get in to see Notre Dame!
December 9, 2024 @ 1:18 pm
Stay warm and dry!❤️
December 9, 2024 @ 1:18 pm
Sounds like you are having a wonderful time regardless. I’m so sorry you are not feeling well and so sorry for the rain. I remember when Jan and I went in November one time it was gray and rainy. It looked like old grainy photos from WWII, I thought, but I loved it nevertheless. Much love to you and Bernie. Full faith that you will get into Notre Dame!
December 9, 2024 @ 1:58 pm
Love your posts, Linda, and I hope you’ll feel better soon. Love!
December 9, 2024 @ 2:30 pm
I hope you can get into ND! I have such good memories of hearing their choir sing on two visits there. Hope you feel better and the rain lets up.
December 9, 2024 @ 3:54 pm
Wonderful photos even under difficult circumstances. I hope the weather miraculously opens to sunshine and warmer days, and that you feel better soon. Hugs,
December 9, 2024 @ 5:19 pm
What a lovely brunch. Prayers for better weather and tickets to see Notre Dame. Enjoy Bernie’s family
December 9, 2024 @ 8:28 pm
What is you Photo Theme this trip? Enjoy your time together in a beautiful city and country,.
December 10, 2024 @ 6:15 am
Photo theme is Christmas!
December 9, 2024 @ 8:35 pm
Like you I don’t subscribe to “Paris in the rain is wonderful”. Maybe the skies have cleared for a few days and Bernie’s family will enjoy their visit. The opening ceremony for ND was super. I watched it on YouTube the next day. Keep trying for tickets, I think you’ll succeed.
December 9, 2024 @ 11:23 pm
I love that you and Bernie make the best of it, even when you aren’t feeling great and the day is gray. Your photos never fail to make my mouth water! Thank you for taking time to post..
December 11, 2024 @ 4:36 pm
So sorry you’re not feeling great; I tend to think cold and rainy days lend to wanting to stay in anyway. Cafe Francais- yes please!! That sounds (and looks) heavenly!! Lastly, Chantal! Love her and so honored to have spent time on more than one occasion together. So enjoy hearing what she has to say! Catching up on blogs and hoping your days are brighter, healthier and successful (getting into Notre Dam). Much love always!!