The Ideal Day in Montmartre…Sun, Friends, and Fun
Bonjour mes amis,
If you’ve been on my blog for years, you know that Montmartre is my favorite spot in Paris. If you have our book, “Bernie’s Paris,” I invite you to reread the section describing my attachment to this little Eden of old Paris bliss. I worked diligently with each carefully chosen word to capture the aura, the sense of affection for an inanimate spot, to make it come alive for you as it does for me. Even the litter seems to add ambiance. I can close my eyes and turn back time to a hundred years ago.
We wanted to take the Shory’s to Montmartre but insisted on a sunny day…and that we had. After a tour of the “I love you” wall and Le Sacre Coeur, we showed them our favorite streets, our favorite views, and finally our favorite place to eat…Chez Plumeau.

Before leaving, we got our street scene of the day of the door to a fondue restaurant which is a baby bottle…because patrons must drink from baby bottles! Michelle had heard about this and we found it.
We left Montmartre and were off to the Musée Rodin but not before showing them the statue of Bernie’s great uncle.
Bernie and I said our goodbyes after a busy day and dragged our tired feet home. Great memories, great fun and I think the three of them played around the Eiffel Tower until midnight! Oh to be young again.
Have a great day,
L & B
June 21, 2018 @ 9:53 am
Is there more to the Montmartre post? There are no pictures and the post itself is very short.
June 21, 2018 @ 8:28 pm
Yes, try the link again. Should be fine now.
June 21, 2018 @ 11:27 am
Montmartre is one of my favorite spots in Paris as well. If you and Bernie ever get short on money, you can make a bundle being enthusiast tour guides!
June 21, 2018 @ 2:55 pm
This came through just fine! Not sure why you apologized, but we both loved the day in Montmartre!