A lazy day in Paris
Bonjour mes amis,
How lucky can we be to get this fabulous weather in Paris! There is not a cloud in the sky and the temps are perfect. There are fewer people here but not as few as I had thought and hoped. Last evening after I had already sent out my blog post, we went to rue Cler to see our caterer and lay out plans for Bernie’s party . After a bite of dinner, we walked to the Champs de Mars right in front of the Eiffel Tower. There were people everywhere and the ‘place’ beneath the Tower itself was also very busy. So…September is not devoid of tourists after all.
Today we have rested and done a little shopping for a friend, looking for a tapestry of the Eiffel Tower. This is not an easy thing to find but we will persist. We had a not-so-great lunch on rue do Rivoli and checked off another spot that we won’t frequent again. One can definitely get bad food in Paris along with lousy service.
We are more than ready to move into our apartment and to welcome Charles and Judy Gattis from Huntsville tomorrow morning. We’ll all be hauling suitcases up our 36 steps together…ugh! If you don’t know, Charles is the former senior pastor at Trinity United Methodist Church on Airport, now retired. He and his wife Judy have been my friends since 1969. I call that my first life where we met at Emory in Atlanta. We will be off to Normandy and will take you along with us.
Hope your weather is autumn perfect like ours!

A tout a l’heure,
September 14, 2014 @ 12:05 am
Sorry to tell you that Paris is never without tourists! But there are fewer than during the summer. Is your caterer a certain lady who lives just off of Rue Cler on the Passage de la Vierge? If so, it is her house that we rented this year! Great place and fun area!
September 14, 2014 @ 4:20 am
Peggy, I believe it is! That’s amazing. Her name is Charlotte Puckette. Lovely gal and friend of Richard Nahem who does the blog EyePreferParis which many of us read.
September 14, 2014 @ 3:46 pm
FINALLY! hAVE BEEN clicking in wrong place.
September 16, 2014 @ 11:26 pm
That is such a happenstance! Yes, we rented Charlotte’s place this summer and have taken classes from her in previous summers. She is a delightful lady and will provide a delicious dinner for Bernie’s big celebration.