Zipping Across Paris on a Cold, Wet Day
Bonjour mes amis,
Someone forgot to tell us that we aren’t ten years younger! We spent the day zipping around to see Christmas decorations and ended with a lovely dinner at the Bonnie restaurant atop the SO hotel. It was dark, cold and rainy so no chance for many pics. It was also quite loud for us old dudes with the pumping music for the chic, hip crowd. We can’t thank Malcolm and Antonia enough for treating us to a delicious dinner. One disappointment, however. Antonia loves bone marrow and her dish was not at all to her liking. She politely left most of it and when the waiter asked about it, she told him it was inferior to her expectations . He said little but did remove it from the bill, thank goodness. By dinnertime, I was photoed out from a busy day, sorry!
We began our adventure at the two “grand magasins” or department stores. The streets were packed with shoppers and the ambiance, very festive. Les Galeries LaFayette is known for their spectacular Christmas tree in the center of the stained glass dome suspended from the ceiling. This is their 130th Christmas and no tree has ever been the same. Also they are famous for their storefront windows. The theme was a little too glitzy for our tastes but still fun to see. Forgive all the reflections. These photos are never easy.
Just down the street is the other huge store, Au Printemps. We much preferred the more traditional Christmas theme of a holiday train ride with hundreds of motorized puppets. No telling the cost for all of this but the small children were loving it!
We toured the Hotel de la Marine which we had seen before and posted about. Malcolm and Antonia were mesmerized. I’m out of time so will pass on those photos for now. We highly recommend you see this beautifully restored home and investigate the history.
On to Place Vendome for more decorations. It’s home to the Ritz Hotel and haute couteur shopping.
And oh the sights and smells of the roasting chestnuts on the sidewalks.
The weather was purely awful and you couldn’t even see the top of the Eiffel Tower for the clouds.
Hope you enjoy our 9,000-step day!!
A bientôt
L & B
December 6, 2024 @ 11:34 am
Kucky us in NYC… were getting an Au Printemps.. I think it is opening in March. it will be interesting to see what they are going to sell! I just had 5 friends come back from Paris, and I was able to get a whole packets of my cremes! I really got too many,,, I am planning a trip there in May.. Yes, Ive heard it is so raining there now, but really this is the rainy season… At least Oct- Nov.. bundle up, ! Enjoy. And go visit the Christmas markets.. Bonjour de NY!
December 6, 2024 @ 11:51 am
9,000 steps! That’s a lot! But thanks for sharing with us. The decorations are delightful, especially the train trip and all the dogs. When we were children growing up in Wichita, Kansas, a holiday highlight was going downtown to see the lighted and sometimes animated displays in the store windows. We don’t see much of that now, so it was fun to be a part of your experience. Stay warm!
December 6, 2024 @ 12:26 pm
Great pictures
December 6, 2024 @ 12:38 pm
What a delightful collection of Christmas displays throughout your day! Sorry the weather was so dreary but the sites to see made up for it, at least for me.
December 6, 2024 @ 2:13 pm
Such a special day! I would be exhausted. I actually enjoyed the reflections. We got to see both sides of the street in one photo. Not exactly 360 degrees but close. Love to you both. Oh, reminded me of the time we had roasted chestnuts while listening to a Dixie Land Band in Paris of all places. I still have the video recording and listen to if sometimes.
December 6, 2024 @ 2:40 pm
I think you’re doing an excellent job with the photos, especially keeping them clear. I laughed at how you started the blog about no one telling you y’all are not 10 years younger… perhaps going this time of year (being dark early) is a bit of a assistance to get you in bed earlier for lots of rest! Very pretty tree at Galeries Lafayette! I hope you got a chestnut, and I’m loving all of your scarves!
December 6, 2024 @ 2:54 pm
Oh how exciting and what beautiful sights! It is truly sensory overload. I cannot imagine what a delight this must be, even in rainy weather. I would live to see the puppets on the train in action.
Merci beaucoup!
December 6, 2024 @ 4:00 pm
Nice colorful pics. I’ve tried roasted chestnuts just once and was disappointed. – probably expecting too much. Thank you.
December 6, 2024 @ 7:03 pm
Is it less crowded in winter and are there many closures?
December 7, 2024 @ 7:28 am
It is NOT less crowded. We are surprised. It will get worse closer to Christmas, I suspect. No closures that we have noticed. The queue to get in Notre Dame is going to be a challenge. Prince William will come tomorrow so would really like to see that if we can find out the time. As often as we have been, we’ll still such tourists…ha!
December 7, 2024 @ 2:23 am
Thank you so much for sharing the photos of all the decorations. How spectacular–I’m getting in the Christmas spirit!
December 7, 2024 @ 2:41 am
What an amazing tour of our beloved Paris! Thank you for the photos of your friends Malcom and Antonia along with all the wonderful Christmastime shots of Paris.