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  1. Monica & Marlyn
    May 22, 2024 @ 12:35 pm

    What an extra treat! Reliving some of your previous time in Paris while looking forward to the holidays and the re-opening. Thanks!


  2. June Denson
    May 22, 2024 @ 12:44 pm

    I’m thrilled at your plans…quite sensible! Delighted you will ‘take us traveling again’
    Bless you, a treat to look forward to, is a treat indeed!!


  3. Thad Mauldin
    May 22, 2024 @ 12:44 pm

    thanks very much Linda!
    Understand staying away from the crowds. Look forward to your posts.


  4. Fred
    May 22, 2024 @ 12:55 pm

    Good to see you both. I look forward to the Paris memories.


  5. Betsy Cobb
    May 22, 2024 @ 1:02 pm

    This is so much fun to see! Think skipping Paris this summer is a grand plan! And yes, can see more on TV. Glad you will return in Dec.


  6. Betsy Cobb
    May 22, 2024 @ 1:03 pm


  7. Karen Yarbrough
    May 22, 2024 @ 1:19 pm

    sorry to hear no trip to Paris blog this summer, but my mom and I are happy to follow along with your summer posts of memories past! Your blog brought a quiet moment and joy for my mom last year as we struggled with the final decline of my dad’s health. She loves Paris and traveled with my father many times so reading about your travels around Paris not only brought memories but she learned about areas of Paris they did not visit. Thanks for posting this summer and looking forward to your holiday in Paris blogging!!


  8. Kathryn Mahoney
    May 22, 2024 @ 1:28 pm

    Thank you! Will look forward to your memories.


  9. Beth Thames
    May 22, 2024 @ 1:50 pm

    So glad you’ll go back and I look forward to your new blogs. As you know, my granddaughter lives in Paris and will work for NBC this summer as they cover the Olympics.
    She’ll be in the volleyball area- Watch for her on TV. Thanks for posting some of your old photos!


  10. Nancy Colin
    May 22, 2024 @ 2:49 pm

    Think you are terribly smart to adjust your travel plans. Can’t imagine how awful the crowds will be! Thanks for the photos. So much fun to see.


  11. Carol Guidry
    May 22, 2024 @ 3:14 pm

    My absolute favorite time to be in Paris is December and January so enjoy and don’t make such of a big deal about your clothes!


  12. bonnie F
    May 22, 2024 @ 3:21 pm

    I think you made a wise choice. It certainly will be different than your summer visits. But change is good ( mostly). I just spent 2 weeks in Paris in April and was able to avoid the crowds by staying more in neighborhoods. Yet, able to enjoy the beauty of Paris. I look forward to following your sojourn in December with all the Holiday festivities.


  13. Penny Billings
    May 22, 2024 @ 4:24 pm

    Love it!


  14. Ann
    May 22, 2024 @ 4:41 pm

    So happy to hear from you. Certainly understand postponing your trip. Keep the pictures coming! Love the memories!


  15. Sally Upchurch
    May 22, 2024 @ 5:03 pm

    Thank you for the update, Linda. I thought of you and Bernie recently and wondered if you were traveling this summer. I think you have made a wise decision not to join the crowds this summer!
    I will enjoy re-reading some of your former posts and look forward to your posts from Paris this winter.

    Sally Upchurch


  16. Kathy
    May 22, 2024 @ 5:09 pm

    It was nice to see you in my inbox today.. My coffee tasted richer viewing your photos. Looking forward to your future holiday visit and the adventures that follow. Have a good day.


  17. Judy
    May 22, 2024 @ 8:07 pm

    I am so happy to hear you will be going back to Paris. Being there at Christmas is magical and being there to experience the reopening of Notre Dame will be special!

    Love that you will be sharing photos of previous trips this summer.

    We have spent 4 Christmasses and one Thanksgiving in Paris and two Christmasses in Amsterdam. I wear my boots on the plane, as it leaves more room in my suitcase. Two years ago we bought packable, waterproof winter coats. We don’t like dealing with stowing coats when on the plane so we fold the coats up in their pouches and put them in our carry-on bags. We simply unpack them once we are in the terminal. We only take that one coat. Both of us wear a blazer on the plane. I also take two sets of silk long underwear. We try to walk everywhere and that little layer under my slacks and shirt or sweater helps a great deal.

    This year we are going to Florence in November. Maybe being further South will be a tiny bit warmer.


  18. Susan Fureigh
    May 22, 2024 @ 10:13 pm

    I was just thinking of you yesterday, and wondering if y’all would be in Paris yet!
    Glad to know you will be putting posts up this summer, and look forward to the Notre Dame trip in the winter!
    Blessings to you and Bernie!


  19. Natalie
    May 23, 2024 @ 1:30 am

    I’m sad not to go this summer! Excited to see the lights in your pictures in December. I think you should post every four days since you’re not actually going to be there. Just enough time for anticipation. Love these pictures! Love Paris! I love all the memories!


  20. Bonnie Schroeder
    May 23, 2024 @ 1:08 pm

    Love that you are doing this!


  21. Earle B. Self
    May 23, 2024 @ 1:59 pm

    Keep writing…


  22. Lin Golden
    May 23, 2024 @ 11:35 pm

    Thanks for the memories! Very much looking forward to December and following you both around Paris. We were wondering about you too, here.


  23. Ann Machtolff Rivard
    May 25, 2024 @ 11:49 am

    Bon jour, Linda and Bernie. It’s so wonderful to share your blog again. Thank you for gracing us with a delightful accompaniment to the first cup of coffee. I look forward to sharing your memories in the coming days & weeks. Blessings! 💕Ann


  24. Kathryn Mahoney
    June 27, 2024 @ 4:31 pm

    Have enjoyed all over again . glad you are still posting Tx


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