Bernie and Me-A Paris Love Story
“It’s almost ready!”
“What’s almost ready?”
“Why, the book, of course!”
“What book?”
“Bernie and Me-A Paris Love Story!”
After ten years of traveling to Paris and one LONG year of writing, editing, fretting, struggling in a steel brace for ten weeks with a broken patella, and getting my life back, our book is almost ready! Bernie has taken the manuscript of 160 pages, almost 60,000 words, and during the next few months will add select photos from Paris. The editing has been arduous based partly on readers’ input and partly on a professional editor from Vermont who made tremendously helpful suggestions. Editing never ends, and if I ever truly see this book in print, I’m quite sure I will wish I had edited out a word or added a comma or just totally struck a paragraph. Maddening!
“Bernie and Me” is for first-time travelers to Paris or for seasoned travelers who’ve already fallen in love with the City of Light. It’s a primer, an unsophisticated travel guide but without all the particulars. It’s more heart and soul than it is addresses, metro stops and hours of operation. It’s our story of growing our relationship and the changes that being in Paris can have on your life. We have discovered our best selves there!
Writing is the easy step, and now comes the hard part: finding an agent/publisher. It begins with a squirrely little device called a query letter which is akin to hitting a grand slam homerun on your first time at bat. It is a perferctly crafted one-page letter designed to so enthrall an agent that they are hooked and left crying for more. It’s truly a needle in a haystack and why Stephen King often says that he has a wall plastered in rejection letters. I’m sure I will soon understand.
It takes courage to write and even more courage to submit your writing for consideration. The whole darn world, it seems, is writing a book and Paris is a well-worn topic. Finding a unique story line is the key. I can only hope I have one since not everybody dates a Parisian!
If you’d like to be a reader for me, just leave a comment here or email me at and I’ll send you a chapter or two. In just a few weeks, the most updated Table of Contents and first chapter will be on this web site under “Bernie and Me” in the menu. Check it out.
Watch for “Bernie and Me-A Paris Love Story”…coming soon…we hope.
April 28, 2015 @ 8:54 pm
Can’t wait! After all the years we’ve been friends your glow is a joy!
April 28, 2015 @ 9:24 pm
Thanks, Barbara!
April 29, 2015 @ 3:38 am
Linda, this will be your breakout book. Give it everything it needs!
May 2, 2015 @ 11:17 pm
bonjour Linda,
I understand everything you’ve said in your post – I’m just a few steps in front with the same process! “Postcards from France” is now ready to become a book. I hope you will take a peek on my website for inspiration. Happy to help another writer.
bon chance!
May 6, 2015 @ 7:49 pm
I can’t wait! Can I preorder it somewhere?
May 7, 2015 @ 1:15 am
Unfortunately, not. But thanks for the thought. Still in the process of getting all the publishing details together.
May 6, 2015 @ 7:52 pm
Do you know what else I’d like to read? Your stories, creative non-fiction, of working your way up in the news business. I bet you have some stories there!
May 22, 2015 @ 12:19 pm
Yes, I certainly do. That’s a book which was published in 2003 called LEADING LADIES which is unfortunately out of print. I still have a few copies and would be delighted to send you one if you will give me your address. Because it’s so old, I’m selling them for $10.00. There is a summary about this book also on the web site. Let me know!
June 22, 2015 @ 3:09 pm
I have both of your previous books and appreciate your blog. I have utilized your suggestions many times since reading them. I have always admired your willingness to be vulnerable in your writing. Can’t wait for Paris! We aren’t going abroad this year, so I will get my “fix” from you. Bon Voyage!
June 22, 2015 @ 3:31 pm
Thanks, Donna!
October 4, 2016 @ 2:53 am
so what made you end up deciding to self-publish?
October 4, 2016 @ 11:08 am
No luck at finding an agent. Very difficult. After attending a writing seminar in April sponsored by Homer Hickam, I was amazed at how the publishing world has shifted. His keynote speaker was an indie-author who shared her story of success.