Saying Au Revoir
Bonjour mes amis, This trip has been different from our many others over these 20 years. It has been shorter, colder, grayer and fraught with health challenges, heavy coats, gloves that went missing and scarves that were never quite warm enough. BUT any time in Paris is good, and we are deeply grateful to have […]

A Surprising Sunday
Bonjour mes amis, Well, we’re down to only two days and enjoying them with friends. Our Saturday dinner with our former neighbor, Chantal, was delightful as always. She had just returned from two weeks in Germany for Christmas. She left a plumbing problem in her apartment and returned to the same issue with a cancelled […]

Waiting for a Sunny Day!
Bonjour, You can bet that when I don’t post it’s directly related to the weather. After a couple of really lousy days-cold, gray and rainy, we finally had some decent weather with sunshine. So here are some catch-up photos to start your weekend. It is our last one as we will depart on the 8th. […]

Here and There in Le Marais On New Year’s Eve
Happy New Year, friends near and far! We wish for you a happy, healthy and productive New Year. We have exactly one week remaining and it will be busy connecting with friends before we depart on January 8th. The weather is still chilly, BUT we haven’t had any rain in ten days or so. That […]

Dimanche: Sunday in Paris
Bonjour, Our days are becoming fewer and colder but no indication of any snow in the forecast. It will be in the mid 30’s today which is pretty cold to walk around in especially at night. Yesterday was a slow easy day as Sundays should be. We decided upon lunch in La Place de la […]

Christmas Tourists Still Jam Paris
Bonjour, It barely got above freezing yesterday so a very cold (hatless) day. Ah, Bernard. We did not stop out of the apartment until after 3pm for some grocery shopping and then a last effort to see Christmas decorations after dark at the suggestion of Google’s Top Ten. I had only missed one, GalerieVivienne behind […]

A Day with Friends in Paris
Bonjour, Yesterday was a great weather day, though quite chilly. It was 38 when we headed out for coffee with our friends Richard and Vincent. Gosh, we’ve known Richard for over twenty years now! We always enjoy their company and got some advice about cold medicine to get from the pharmacy. I’m so disappointed that […]

Gorgeous After-Christmas Day
Bonjour, Yesterday was a wonderful weather day with bright sunshine and temps close to 50 degrees with very little wind. Bernie and I are still struggling with what the French refer to as “le rhume” or a very bad cold. It just doesn’t want to let go of us and the lingering cough is a […]