Writing Is a Full-Time Job
Dear Friends, January is almost half over already, and I must admit that I’ve never been busier in my life! I slipped in conversation the other day and made reference to being “retired.” I and the friend I was with both burst out laughing as we simultaneously saw the ludicrousness of that statement. Marketing a […]
The Paris Attack
Dear Friends, Bernie and I were shocked to hear the news from Paris yesterday morning. The city we both love so much was violated in the worst kind of way, an attack on freedom of speech and freedom of the press. If there are any rights so vehemently defended by the French, it is those […]
Who’s Afraid of Social Media?
If you’re in your twenties and reading this, have a good laugh and expect to wonder what the heck I’m talking about. Perhpas it might also explain some issues with your parents or grandparents. If you’re in your sixties and reading this, pour yourself a stiff drink (of your choice), take a seat, find your […]
A Message from E.B. White
A word is dead When it is said, Some say. I say it just begins to live that day. – Emily Dickinson Dear friends, On this chilly-for-Alabama, first day of 2015, I have been reading about E.B. White, famed journalist, writer, essayist of the mid-twentieth century. If you know Charlotte’s Web or Stuart Little, […]
Christmas reconciliation
Christmas came storming in much too soon with a plethora of images and a menagerie of colors, fabrics, flavors and aromas: twinkling white lights; gaudy, wide-ribbon swirls all over the tree;, lime greens; peppermint bows and sticky candy canes; fresh pine needles; snuggly socks; movie marathons; Christmas tree trails and drive-through light extravaganzas. Whew! Houses […]
Winter Solstice: The Shortest Day
A cliche is a well-worn phrase that’s all too familiar and generally avoided when writing, but cliches are much like old, comfortable, slightly smelly shoes. Occasionally, it just feels good to take them out and wear them again. So, I’ve convinced myself that beginning with a cliche is okay. Timing is everything: that’s my cliche. […]
Christmas Is…
Christmas is repetition, tradition, excitement, decorating, wrapping, shopping, stressing, memories, celebration, a religious landmark, and an accentuation of everything we’ve ever cared about. Because it’s almost here and because it is such a part of our American way of life, I want to share some intimate thoughts on what Christmas is in my heart. Christmas […]
Guest Post on Caregiving
Dear Readers, Many of you know my dear friends, Chris and Amy Cameron. They lived in Huntsville for many years but now reside in Scottsboro, AL. Amy has Multiple Sclerosis and Chris is her willing caregiver. In this touching blog post, he shares his story, guaranteed to make your holiday warmer and your heart […]