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  1. Monica & Marlyn
    August 6, 2024 @ 2:21 pm

    You won’t be surprised that this was my favorite exhibit, as well– all seen through your eyes and cameras. I couldn’t begin to choose a favorite ensemble, but that silver jumpsuit ranks right up there! Thanks for showing these photos again.


  2. Thad Mauldin
    August 6, 2024 @ 3:29 pm

    Thanks, Linda!


  3. Susan Fureigh
    August 6, 2024 @ 3:40 pm



  4. Mary
    August 6, 2024 @ 4:12 pm

    I really enjoyed the fashion exhibition photos. Could look at them over and over. Thank you.


  5. Bonnie F.
    August 6, 2024 @ 5:46 pm

    It is a exhibit that stayed with me a long time too. Extraordinaire! Thanks for the look back.
    Will you go to the Dior Museum on your up-coming visit?


  6. PAT
    August 6, 2024 @ 7:06 pm

    Most Excellent! Some folks seem to know how to do things up right. Of course, the little girl in pink and red is the best.


  7. Ann M. Rivard
    August 6, 2024 @ 7:50 pm

    How very lovely to share this with us, Linda. Thank you! I would have loved to see this in person, but your photos are exquisite! Merci beaucoup!


  8. Lynne Berry
    August 7, 2024 @ 1:41 am

    Well THAT was a real treat! Thanks especially for those amazing shoes.


  9. Cynthia Ludwig
    August 8, 2024 @ 2:49 am

    What a stunningly beautiful display of fashion!


  10. Pat
    August 12, 2024 @ 9:19 pm

    I was thinking about the Dior exhibit and how out of the box it is. That’s a good place to spend time from time to time. Then who’s idea was it end the post with the totally in-the-box picture of the little girl. Good presentation, I know you’re not smart enough to think to do that, whose idea was that? Lastly, I hope you watched one of the Olympic marathons. If so, as they ran through the city, did it seem familiar or at home for you. Pat


    • lspalla
      August 13, 2024 @ 2:35 pm

      Pat, we did not see the marathon you reference. As to the little girl, she just caught my eye so it WAS my idea. Sorry you aren’t making our high school reunion this weekend.


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