A Hot, Hot, Hot Day in Paris
A quick hello this morning before we head off to Normandy via train/rental car for another hot, hot, day in France. It’s supposed to go up to almost 90 today!
Our agenda was full yesterday as we zipped around to places on the list of “must-see’s” for the family. I’ll let the pictures tell the story.
We began our morning at the Sunday market at the Bastille. We’ve shared so many photos of this so tried to find some things we had never seen before.

Next stop-the lovely church of St. Sulpice on the Left Bank, the center of Dan Brown’s De Vinci Code.

Then we were off to the Luxembourg Gardens, beautiful as always but very, very hot.

After a rest from the heat, we snacked in the apartment and took a spin down the Champs as well as a jaunt up to the top of the Arc de Triomphe. The kids loved this and the two oldsters were allowed to ride up in the elevator! It’s 280 steps.
The “Purely Paris” photo of the day is off the Champs where we stopped for dessert. This was a fun bunch of waiters singing “Happy Birthday” to a patron.
Stay cool,
L & B
June 19, 2017 @ 5:44 am
I’m so impressed at the pace you’re keeping up with the family on these hot days. We’re moving pretty slowly 🙂 Well done to all on getting so much accomplished. Your writing and photos are such a pleasure – merci.
Have a great trip to Normandy and looking forward to a cooler rendez-vous later this week! Safe travels.
June 19, 2017 @ 10:06 am
What fun your and your family are having! So sorry it is so hot. St. Sulpice is a gorgeous church. Sorry I never got to visit it. Hang in there and keep taking the elevators.
June 19, 2017 @ 11:06 am
The family is really putting you thru the paces. But what fun!!!! So sorry for the heat. Finally cooling rain here this morning. Thoroughly enjoying the pictures. Hope there are pleasant coastal breezes in Normandy.
June 20, 2017 @ 3:44 pm
The photos from L’Arc were really interesting…views from a different perspective.