Hot, Hot Weather in Paris Persists
We prepared to do battle again today with the unseasonably hot, dry weather in Paris. It has not rained here for over a month which is just hard to believe given that generally there are pleasant showers at least three or four times a week. The dust in the air is heavy; the leaves are coming off the trees; the doggie poop doesn’t get washed off the sidewalks; and even today on the steps of the massive Madeleine Church, the flowers were either all dried up or else were some desert variety which can stand the heat but not very attractive. Usually, the flowers there are breathtaking clusters of multi-colors. Not today!
We had planned a small gathering for tonight to introduce the Bilbros to our Paris friend Ann Jeanne but decided to cancel because of the almost certain uncomfortable conditions in our apartment. Too bad!
Our day’s planning was all about how to stay cool. We decided to meet the Bilbro’s for lunch at the lovely tea room upstairs in Fouchon’s around La Place de la Madeleine. We had a very nice meal in cool comfort. I ordered a coffee gourmand which is always a treat in Paris. It’s little desserts with espresso and no two are the same. That’s the featured image today at the top of the blog.
After a quick stroll around La Place, we went to the newly re-opened Picasso Museum, except for Bernie. He peeled off to go back to the apartment to watch Le Tour de France. The museum was very nicely done and it was COOL. Thanks to Peggy for these iPhone photos. If you’re not a Picasso fan, sorry! K
Tonight, we have selected an air-conditioned restaurant on Ile St. Louis called SORZA.
We’re frustrated with how the weather is impacting our daily choices! However, a hot Paris is better than no Paris at all, ne c’est pas (is that not true)?
A bientot,
Cindi Ludwig
July 16, 2015 @ 9:34 pm
So sorry the heat is such a negative force in your daily plans. It’s very hot here, as I type this in an air conditioned house. Big difference! Picasso photos are interesting, as always. Hoping you get a break from the heat very soon.
July 17, 2015 @ 4:37 am
Thanks, Cindi!
July 16, 2015 @ 10:01 pm
How did we get these two handsome men? yes it was hot, but we still managed to enjoy it.
July 17, 2015 @ 4:36 am
Two lucky gals!
Judy Gattis
July 17, 2015 @ 2:24 am
Hope you are being able to sleep at night. I’m miserable trying to sleep in heat. I guess you do “whatcha gotta do”,right? Thinking of you and praying for relief for you.
July 17, 2015 @ 4:36 am
The dry dust is almost as bad as the heat. Playing havoc with my sinuses. No rain in sight which is really odd for Paris. And yes, very difficult to sleep.