Hotter by the Day in Paris
Dear Friends,
Weather is always a huge consideration in Paris but never as much as when the temps soar like they have this week. The two jackets I brought, all the scarves and my two new pairs of jean capris will not get much wear right now. The predicted high for today was 100 but the forecast was revised and right now as I’m writing this at 5pm, it’s only 92 degrees. I made a request this morning of the management company to bring a fan over, and when we returned from our afternoon jaunt, it was all set up! It’s a large rotating one on a stand, and we are most grateful for the quick response.
Bernie is having fun playing with his new tripod and taking some night shots out our windows. It doesn’t get totally dark here right now until almost 11pm so it’s hard to roam around Paris that late and take the kind of gorgeous shots our friend Charles Gattis took last fall. As the days get a little shorter, maybe we’ll venture out.
Today’s afternoon outing was to Le Printemps, one of the two gorgeous department stores in Paris. This is their 150th anniversary and the store was decorated beautifully with pink roses everywhere.
So funny for the two of us to forget that today was the first day of LES SOLDES (the yearly summer sales). It was crazy, like ants on a chocolate cake at a picnic.
On the way, we recharged my Navigo card which will be good for the entire month of July for as many trips as I want to make. No more keeping up with all the little subway tickets, AND Bernie’s subway pass which has to be seven or eight years old is still working. Someone forgot to enter an end date perhaps when we bought that two-week pass! Every year, we think surely it won’t work but it does!
We had two objectives at Le Printemps: to buy ice trays and to go up to their terrace on the top of the building (something we had never done.) It is lovely, nicer in my opinion than Galleries Lafayette. We cooled down with an aperitif and took some nice photos. I had a dramatic Marilyn Monroe moment when the wind caught the skirt of my sundress! Oh my, so embarrassing but funny for Bernie and all the bystanders. No photos of that!
We dearly love hearing from everyone so keep up the comments. Share my blog sign-up with friends and family and help me grow my numbers. If I have a prayer of getting a publisher for the Paris book, this will certainly help.
Bonne soiree,
Linda & Bernie
June 30, 2015 @ 4:14 pm
Linda, I remember sweltering in the South of France in 2006 when there was a terrible heat wave. I slept one night without a fan in an unairconditioned refurbished farmhouse, but my host brought me a fan after that. It is great conditioning for us pampered Americans to experience such weather! That summer I was in also Assisi doing some journalistic work and had to wear long sleeves to be acceptable to the Franciscans. I know you and Bernie will have a wonderful time, no matter the temp! Your blog is my favorite moment in email every day!
June 30, 2015 @ 4:20 pm
I’m so glad you are enjoying the blog. Thought of you today as I remembered our fighting the crowd and long lines when you bought a purse during Les Soldes! It was a fun day but not as hot as this.
June 30, 2015 @ 4:50 pm
The photographs are splendid! But for now, with the heat, I am glad that I am not there. We spent a few days in Paris on our way to Egypt in 1992. The temperature was 85 and I freaked – 100 would take me away!
I am sure that you read “Lunch in Paris, A Love Story with Recipes” by Elizabeth Baird, which was followed by “Picnic in Provence, A Memoir with Recipes. I can see you two becoming great friends! Perhaps a trip to her Scaramouche in Céreste, France?
This year, they have opened a Scaramouche Paris Branch ……. Scaramouche Artisan Glacier
22 Rue la Vieuville | Métro Abbesses, 75018 Paris, France +33 6 21 11 15 44
I loved both books, and have made many recipes! I hope that you will check out the ice cream shop, and let us know what you think!
June 30, 2015 @ 4:59 pm
Amazing! I just finished reading “Lunch in Paris, A Love Story with Recipes.” It is Elizabeth Bard’s agent who is reading my manuscript. I found her name in the book! We’ll look for the shop when we go to Montmartre. Thx!
June 30, 2015 @ 5:15 pm
Hi Linda…I am really enjoying your blog & it’s a perfect get-away during my lunch hour at work. Your words are taking me to a place I’ve never been & I’m very intrigued to read of the adventures that await. I would absolutely love to be there for Les Soldes and could spend hours enjoying the shopping. What a blessing for you & Bernie to be enjoying such a wonderful place!
June 30, 2015 @ 8:49 pm
So glad you are enjoying our trip. It’s fun to have friends along the way with us!
June 30, 2015 @ 5:50 pm
I’m SO Glad you got the fan. When we went to NIce, we experienced heat like you. Lee is saying it was worse in Cannes. I didn’t remember…just hot all the time.
Where did you get your book about recipes? And, it’s really great to know you have some company
who shares the same agent/publisher…I can’t remember. I’m just thrilled for you and all your writing.
“You’ve come a really long way,” as the saying goes from when I was your first friend. No one could be prouder! Write on.
June 30, 2015 @ 8:53 pm
Diane Strickland has the book. “Lunch in Paris…A Love Story with Recipes.” Don’t have a publisher yet, just an agent who is willing to look at my manuscript. She could reject it. So don’t get too excited.
June 30, 2015 @ 6:02 pm
Great shots, Bernie! Even with the weather I can tell you are having a great time. Thanks for sharing.
June 30, 2015 @ 6:21 pm
You’re missing out on a week of scattered thunderstorms. The forecast for the 4th is only for 40% rain :(. So after a morning out I’m reading and exploring new books to read. Can’t wait for yours to be among them. Yours and Bernie’s photos always make me feel like I’m there!
June 30, 2015 @ 9:27 pm
I am truly enjoying your adventures and pictures!! Each blog brings back my own memories and “takes me” to Paris for a few minutes. Thanks so much for taking the time to share your adventures and love of Paris.
I look forward to each blog.
June 30, 2015 @ 9:29 pm
Thanks so much Jemalee. Glad you are enjoying the blog! We’re just trying to keep from melting!
July 1, 2015 @ 12:50 am
I’m sorry it is so miserably hot there, but at the same time glad we aren’t there yet! We are hoping our usual luck holds and the temps break just before we arrive. I’m always torn whether to plan to purchase clothes while in Paris or bring my usual random collection and just pick up a few things. I ALWAYS buy shoes in Paris as well as glasses and I may try to find a nice Italian leather jacket this year. Maybe–maybe not. You need to show me all the best bargain clothing spots.
July 1, 2015 @ 3:58 am
Yes, be very glad you’re not here right now. Even with the fan last night while we slept, it was sweaty warm. As to clothes, a good half of what I brought is not wearable right now. There are some great boutiques just down the street that aren’t too expensive but then it’s Paris. Cost is relative. There is a new outlet store which has opened on Rue de Rivioli. True designer brands marked down and it’s also Les SOLDES. That will be a place to look for your jacket or les grand magasins.
July 1, 2015 @ 11:56 am
Bonjour Linda et Bernie,
I enjoy reading your blog. Yes, great shots. And you have a great view from your flat ! It’s so hot here in Paris, I think you’ve been brave visiting the Printemps and area while the sales. With this heat, sales are even more difficult to experience (actually, last saturday was the 8th sales day). We haven’t had such hot weather since long time… Amitiés Anne