Marché des Puces vs. Père Lachaise
Happy Sunday,
Happy Father’s Day to all in America on this cool Sunday morning in Paris. It stormed through the night with thunder and lightening and much needed rain. It actually roused me from sleep about 2:30.
Yesterday was a hit and miss day. We took the Shorys to the Marché des Puces (Fleas) at Porte de Clignancourt in the first part of the day, had lunch there at a surprisingly good spot but realized that this was just not their thing. It’s so iconic, but one does need a deep desire to meander and browse or look for a specific “something.” Michele and Izzy each brought an inexpensive ring as a memento but that was the extent of our shopping. Perhaps the most interesting part of the morning was the toilette!

The afternoon was to everyone’s delight, a trip to the largest cemetery in Paris, Père Lachaise. It you’re a photographer at all (and I’m not), it’s a dream place. The ambiance was perfect…slightly cloudy, breezy, crows cawing, and then toward the end of our visit, a massive rain storm with thunder and lightening which had us hidden in one of the above ground family vaults. Edgar Allen Poe would have loved it!! We were soaking wet but survived enough to finish off the day with a respite in our apartment, some wine, and a very enjoyable evening on rue St. Paul, eating pizza and then Lebanese ice cream.

All’s well that ends well, mais oui! Surely you’ve noticed that everything in Paris is about food!!
L & B
June 18, 2023 @ 11:31 am
I always enjoy your food photos. Almost every dish is photographic. Pizza in Paris sounds good! The cemetery was so interesting.
June 18, 2023 @ 11:51 am
Happy Fathers Day to my dear friend Bernie. And a happy day to you as well Linda.
June 18, 2023 @ 2:11 pm
Much more interesting than I would have every guessed. I had to look up most of the graves that you visited – including Victor Noir. Thank you.
June 18, 2023 @ 3:19 pm
Wonderful way to spend a day! We love Père La Chaise and find something new every time we are there. I’ve missed a few of your Paris days while we were traveling, but am happy to get back to them.
June 18, 2023 @ 6:15 pm
I really regret not having visited the cemetery. Appreciated the pictures.
June 19, 2023 @ 7:17 am
I love both places. what surprised me as a student in Paris when I first saw Père LaChaise was that the French would go there on weekends and picnic amongst the graves! I made the requisite trip to Jim Morrison’s grave, of course. I went early in the morning figuring that there would be less crowds. Yes, the hordes of people were not there! Interestingly graves in Père Lachaise are bought on a thirty year lease. When the lease ran out, there was talk of removing him to the USA. but a new one in perpetuity was bought!!
And the flea market. Oh many a weekend was spent there. I loved the Marché aux Puces. I bought my pea coat there,, I still have and wear it. I bought so many things there, Such fun, But yes, you. have to be in for it, and I doubt if some one has but a a few days in Paris they would want to go to the Marché aux Puces! I would however!’
June 19, 2023 @ 9:09 am
Great information, Ellyn, about Père Lachaise. Michelle wanted to know how the burial lease was done so I hope she sees this. She’s likely in a taxi to the airport right now! We picnicked once there in the early days amid many stares and assumed it was a gauche thing to do. Haven’t ever done it since.