Bustling, Busy Champs Elysées
Glorious weather graced our day with hardly a cloud in the sky and 70 degrees as the high. I’d call that about perfect unless you have vertigo and then, darn, it’s not as much fun. Bless Bernie for always holding my hand and telling me that everything will get better. Maybe home is where I need to be but onward we go.
After a slow morning, we ventured out for a stroll along Les Champs Elysées, the most famous avenue probably in all of Europe. Though it’s not what it used to be, it is still a must-do promenade when you’re in Paris. There was a very nice change: the addition of greenery all around each tree, most likely in preparation for the Olympics.
We continued our search for pink which is truly everywhere once you start looking. Our intent was to say Hello to our friend Benjamin who works at the Café George Cinq. He was on vacation so we’ll have to try again. We also went to the huge Apple Store to investigate some charges on my Wallet app which uses Apple Pay. They knew nothing about how to dig into this but were able to remove my credit card from the app. Whoever might be trying to make fraudulent charges with it will be disappointed.
Come along and enjoy the sights; the sounds will have to wait until you visit!

Much of this merchandise is from one of the larger, very old shopping arcades which literally has everything from high-end to souvenir junk and of course, the anchor store was …Starbuck’s!
We stopped for some refreshment about 5pm at a brand new spot which opened just this year. It is a street side café for the Marriott Hotel, very nice. Why didn’t they do this years ago?
Dinner was at Carette in La Place des Vosges. We sat in a favorite little niche which is half inside, half outside. It gave the perfect ambiance for our joie de vivre photo. The quintessential capture of the Parisian spirit undoubtedly is the background from a bustling café.
Overall, we salvaged the day but it’s always good to come back to our little oasis!
About 2:30 today, we’ll greet my daughter and grandson and then the fun really begins!
L & B
May 26, 2023 @ 9:59 am
Amazing all that pink being worn. And I noticed that pleated skirt in the display window. Goodness! How many years ago did we all wear those pleats? I hope your vertigo settles down. That makes every step uncertain. Bernie is a jewel to help you around. Enjoy your Natalie time!
May 26, 2023 @ 10:56 am
Love the ceilings, light fixtures, men’s shoes (orange! green! blue suede!) and your willingness to keep on ticking!
May 26, 2023 @ 1:01 pm
Love the puppy in the stroller!
May 26, 2023 @ 2:55 pm
So many photos to enjoy! I loved Zara’s pink display. For me, I would want an accent piece rather than head to toe. Department store’s displays are so unique and attractive! Everything you decided to shoot was so interesting! Hope your vertigo subsides soon.
May 26, 2023 @ 2:58 pm
Pink! One of my favorite colors is pink. Any shade will do, hot pink, ballet pink, or soft pink.
Sorry about the vertigo. Dudley had it many years ago. The doctor recommended rest and it will go away. Dudley’s took about 3 days. The doctor has said it would take 2 weeks.
May 26, 2023 @ 3:08 pm
Wow – those shoes make my feet hurt just looking at them. I just read that at the Cannes Festival more attendees are opting for flats rather than heels. There a story behind that, if anyone is interested in looking it up. Thanks again for the fashion shots. I”m always interested in Paris windows. Enjoy your visit with your daughter and grandson. I hope your vertigo subsides soon. Thanks for keeping up with the blog, I look forward to it everyday.
May 27, 2023 @ 12:22 am
I liked the motorcycle table. Good find. Sybil was interested in all the pink. Thank you
May 29, 2023 @ 5:31 pm
Love the little fellow dancing! What joy! Such lovely photos and your meal is beautiful!