Cool Temps, Catch-Up and Food, Food, Food
This is a catch-up post from the past few days. We’ve been busy, and I have struggled with some health challenges, but better now.
Monday was laundry day, and our Laverie where we dry our clothes is directly across from what has become one of our favorite local restaurants, Le Temps des Cerises. We take the opportunity to have lunch while our clothes are drying for convenience and for safety’s sake so that our clothes don’t disappear! We highly recommend this little spot. Quiet, locally owned, and delicious food.

Pierre and Laurie arrived Tuesday at noon after a train delay, and we dashed off to a restaurant near Le Hotel de Ville called Les Foodies. Small, intimate, quiet, lovely on the inside and a great lunch. You’re getting the theme here which is always Food, Food, and more Food! Sorry, no pics. We selected this restaurant because it is directly next to Eataly where we shopped for a charcuterie dinner which we had in our apartment that evening. Such an array of chocolate and little Belgian waffles, compliments of the Shorys. Sorry, no pics again. I’m falling down on my job!
Back to Tuesday…after lunch we headed off to an exhibit by an artist I had never heard of, Anna-Eva Bergman at the Musée d’Art Moderne, new for us. We were pleasantly surprised by the exhibit, and I adored the art quotes which I have included for your pondering.
Wednesday morning, we were off to the Quai Branly Museum which focuses on the development of man throughout the world. It’s truly a fascinating place, a must-see in Paris. The exhibit we attended was about the early development of lower Australia called Song Lines. It’s about a mythical seven sisters who “fly” across the desert telling their stories, singing their songs, explaining and defining life much as the Greeks did with their mythology. There is a lot to read, and I hope you will! I couldn’t help but think of the stories told on the quilts from Gee’s Bend in Alabama.
Oh, my, we can’t forget lunch and more food which was at Sorza on Ile St. Louis. We finally got to visit with the patron, Esther, who always remembers us. Such fun.
June 21, the summer solstice or longest day, was full of joie de vivre last evening, though is quite different now from what it was ten or twelve years ago. The small instrumental, singing, and dancing groups which we so enjoyed (at least in our area) have been replaced by a massive street party with lots of alcohol and a much younger crowd. We did find one little ensemble of musicians in La Place des Vosges as we were going to dinner with Pierre & Laurie.
If you’ve ever had the experience of dining at a starred restaurant in Paris, it is a divine soirée of artistically prepared and presented gourmet food. Be prepared to never be quite sure what you are eating, but just know that it will be delicious. Last evening as always, Pierre and Laurie treated us to a feast at “Anne” the starred restaurant at Le Pavillon de la Reine with a menu signed by Matthieu Pacaud. Mouth-watering photos will give you a vicarious taste! But first the garden setting.
So, this post is a lesson…don’t skip too many days of posting. I apologize that it’s a bit of a punishment for both of us. Many of you checked on us last evening after hearing about the gas-related explosion in Paris. It was in the 5th, and we are in the 4th arrondissement. I’m pretty sure we caught fire trucks flying out of our station, though about the time it happened.
Also, just as a newspaper used to issue corrections, so will I. One reader pointed out that I have been misspelling lightning (and I know better). Pierre and Laurie do not agree with my comment about the Louvre’s shunning of the impressionists. The explanation is complicated but has to do with space and government involvement. Bernie was the source of this belief which he has held for a long time. Would love to hear any input you might have.
Guess what! We’re off soon to lunch and then a dinner tonight at Bonnie at the 5-star SO Hotel. So how can we still zip up our pants? 14,000 steps a day!
L & B
June 22, 2023 @ 11:19 am
So much wonderful actual artwork… and then food that is artwork, too. I can’t decide which I enjoyed more. Thanks for helping us learn new things, even at our age.
June 22, 2023 @ 11:52 am
Would have loved to be with you at those exhibits! I know Laurie was thrilled!
June 22, 2023 @ 1:40 pm
We have definitely missed you all!
June 22, 2023 @ 12:05 pm
We must adopt a pre-dessert here in the US!
June 22, 2023 @ 12:24 pm
Oh my goodness, so much to take in! My favorite art photos are your fabulous food pictures! Next, I found the Seven Sisters very interesting, their story, as well as the art. The artist being featured at the Musée d’Art Moderne was interesting both as a person and her art. I’ve learned over the years to appreciate art that I’m not necessarily drawn to by reading the attached explanations of artists and the art. It’s comforting to know you were not effected by the mystery blast near you.
June 22, 2023 @ 1:39 pm
They believe the blast was a gas leak but still tentative.
June 22, 2023 @ 12:28 pm
Have really enjoyed your trip and your art of description.George recovering from broken hip and have not replied as I would have liked to.Glad you were not in explosion area.
June 22, 2023 @ 12:30 pm
Fascinating post Linda!!!! Not my style of art but I appreciate all of it. So many “new” experiences, ENJOY!!!!!!!!
June 22, 2023 @ 12:49 pm
Back in the day … 1960s. The impressionists were in a small museum in the Tuillerie Garden close to the Place de la Concorde … I can’t remember the name …
June 22, 2023 @ 1:38 pm
Probably L’Orangerie
June 22, 2023 @ 12:49 pm
I just don’t see how you can keep going! But I enjoy the days with you. Pray you stay well.
June 22, 2023 @ 5:16 pm
What a delightful post! Thank you for putting it together and sharing it with us. Museums, street music, and food. You can’t beat that!