France Wins the World Cup…Allez les bleus in Paris
Dear Friends,
As your weekend draws to an end, I bet it hasn’t been as busy and festive as what we’ve had in Paris… Bastille Day followed by a World Cup win! The city has gone crazy celebrating as Johnny said “in pure joy.” It was fun to watch from our windows and out on the street so I’ll let the photos do the talking. If you look carefully, you might see Bernie, Johnny and Dennis in some of the street madness.
The street scene of the day is this cute picture of Jodie taken at the Bastille Sunday market this morning.
Tomorrow we ride the train to Caen near Normandy and spend two days in that historic area with our guests. It will be another busy but memorable time to include Mont St. Michel.
On a humorous note, the newspaper headlines today captured the two horrible mistakes in yesterday’s Bastille Day Parade. One we already addressed with the extra column of red in the smoke streamers for the fly-by. Also right in front of President Macron at the viewing stand, two motorcycle policemen were doing intricate maneuvers and crashed as they criss-crossed. No wonder the aftermath was a bit disorganized!
Have a good start to your week. We see that it’s VERY hot in Alabama.
L & B
July 16, 2018 @ 8:39 am
What a memory! Great photos and good on the guys to have gone out on the street! Fun to see them in the crowd.
Cheers qnd hope you all have a lovely (restful? somehow I doubt it!) Paris Monday before you head to Normandy. Wow!
July 16, 2018 @ 12:06 pm
Viva la France!! I can hear the roar of the crowd even now and saw some of the TV coverage. Bernie got a a great shot of the runners and looked very courageous standing in the road in front of them!!! Well done, Bernie!
July 16, 2018 @ 2:28 pm
You and your guests hit the jacket pot the last few days! How fun to be a part of such joyful celebrations! Travel safely to Normandy and I look forward to your photos and stories from there.
July 16, 2018 @ 2:57 pm
Not a whole lot of folks are going to be able to remember that they were in Paris when France won the World Cup on Bastille Day!