Grabbing Good Weather for Montmartre As We Can!
A good weather day is scarce in Paris right now, and it’s an absolute requirement for a trip to Montmartre. We grabbed it and off we went! Bob & Cindi had been there once 20 years ago. They vaguely remembered the church, the art square, and of course, the steps. We took our time and had a leisurely, wonderful day. The pics and captions will tell our story.

That morning, I had the bright idea to book us reservations at Le Cafe de L’Homme in front of the Eiffel Tower for dinner, not realizing how cold it would be. It was not the experience we had hoped for but produced lots of giggles which will linger as good memories. Of course, we asked for a table on the patio which they have expanded. As we were being seated, our very snippy, dismissive waiter explained to us as he was serving champagne at each place that there was a 50 euro upcharge now for sitting on the patio! Not only did some of us not want the champagne, but this had never been the case before. In my usual shy manner, I loudly voiced my displeasure. Well, on top of that, we nearly froze to death…me especially, in my open-toed shoes. They provided blankets which Cindi and I wrapped ourselves in after wearing very nice outfits to suit the occasion. The view was gorgeous, yes, but the total ambiance was not up to expectations, and I doubt we will ever go back. We left without dessert and walked across to Carette for some hot chocolate! Things are not always perfect in Paris but the light show was spectacular!
We are thoroughly enjoying Bob and Cindi. They are amenable to anything, easy, and go with the flow. They are here another six days so lots more in store!
Have a great day,
L & B
October 1, 2019 @ 11:54 am
Love all the kissing! And the shot of the models on the street – when I first glanced at it, I thought the woman was Cindi – similar hair, coat, etc.!
October 1, 2019 @ 3:38 pm
We “heard” some of your favorites at the d’Orsay.
October 1, 2019 @ 12:01 pm
Hope you won’t mind our stealing some pic ideas of Montmarte. Excited at seeing the church in the evening!
October 1, 2019 @ 12:20 pm
The shots of the Eiffel Tower light show are fabulous. Your day at Montmarte brings such good memories for Johnny and I, what a special place that is. Keep making those wonderful memories and again thanks for all the wonderful pics and captions. Glad we can all join you!
October 1, 2019 @ 3:35 pm
Thanks, Buddy!
October 1, 2019 @ 12:25 pm
I love the photos, as always. That mime in the gold paint has not moved in four years. We saw him then!
October 1, 2019 @ 3:36 pm
Yes, the mime has been around a while!
October 1, 2019 @ 1:29 pm
Judy and I greatly enjoyed the pictures. You all should publish a book. Please add Judy’s email: Thanks. Jim
October 1, 2019 @ 3:35 pm
Hi Jim,
Unfortunately, I can’t initiate a new email. You have to do it from your end. Go to, scroll down where you see a place to enter your email, then click subscribe. You will receive an email which you then have to confirm. Thx!
October 1, 2019 @ 1:48 pm
Bonjour !
Are you following me …??!!! This is so funny… : I was in Saint Germain des Prés just a few hours before you were there a few days ago
And yesterday apparently I was in Montmartre a few hours before you were there !!!
October 1, 2019 @ 3:33 pm
Oui, oui!
October 1, 2019 @ 4:14 pm
The Eiffel Tower with the light rays radiating would be an obvious top choice, but for today I believe I’m going to choose the subway station and the ornate light post included in the picture as my #1. Thank you.
October 2, 2019 @ 10:00 am
Oh my goodness- what a day!! Adore seeing pics of you & Bernie…nice to have friends there to capture! My favorite shots of the day are: sunlight on the alter, artist in trench coat w his back to you, all the kissing!, clean stairs going down, classic Sacre Coeur, Moulin Rouge and of course The Eiffel Tower! Was the light show different than typical twinkling? It looked more like spotlights- great shot! Boo about patio at Le Cafe De L’Homme bc that was SUCH a great night for us last year!!
October 2, 2019 @ 3:48 pm
Yes, one of our favorite memories!
October 2, 2019 @ 1:37 pm
Lots of nice light shots! Enjoyed them all!