Just “Chillin” on a Friday Night in Paris
Yesterday, after putting the family into a taxi, we started our day by meeting some new friends, Clive and Carolyn, who are from the UK, follow our blog, and have enjoyed our book. We had an espresso and pastry in the area, shared our stories which are a bit similar and accepted some lovely gifts from them…a bottle of Taitinger champagne for Bernie and a very French calendar and writing pen for me. What a thoughtful gesture! They have an apartment here in Paris so hopefully, we will see them again before the summer is out. They, like us, were very put off by the heat wave, so unexpected in June! Of course, I forgot to get their picture but have managed to pull photos of them from Carolyn’s web site as she is also a blogger and working on a Paris memoir. Her web site is mysydneyparislife.wordpress.com.

The rest of our day was consumed with a little grocery shopping, cleaning, and five loads of laundry. I gave Bernie a long nap and did the laundry solo, back and forth to the Lavomatic across the street. Tis not an easy process, but one we are accustomed to. My reward for all of this was dinner out at L’iLot Vache, the restaurant of the cows on the island. Indeed, cows used to graze on Ile St. Louis hundreds of years ago in the original village of Lutece, the first name for Paris.

The evening was gorgeous with a temperature of 70 degrees. I had to wrap my scarf around me…unbelievable. Everyone was out enjoying the break from the heat. We stand corrected about the canoes along the Seine. They are not for rent but rather for racing, we believe, as part of the city-wide mania focused on getting the Olympics in 2024.

My family had a pretty horrible travel day after arriving in the USA because of all the weather delays. I’m still not sure if they’ve made it all the way to Birmingham yet. Really tough!
The “Purely Paris” photo of the day:
Bonne weekend!
L & B
June 24, 2017 @ 11:56 am
Merci Linda! Waving from England 🙂 Cheers and happy Paris Saturday to you and Bernie from C and C.
June 24, 2017 @ 1:20 pm
All those pictures contrast life in Europe vs U.S. I am struck by all the people meeting and talking in public. Here we are either in a facility, a car, or home.
June 24, 2017 @ 2:09 pm
Now that’s more like it. The locals sure know how to take advantage of the weather breaks.
Yes, we’ve had pretty rough weather, but plants have benefited from all the rain. Hope family are home and asleep by now.