Just a Plain, Ole, Ordinary Day under Paris Sun
Some days in Paris are like days at home, rather mundane and ordinary, especially when temps begin to soar as they did yesterday. Looks like the heat will be with us today with 93 the predicted high. Maybe that doesn’t sound so bad, but consider no air-conditioning; and the heat takes on an entirely different personality!
Yesterday, we had piles of laundry which consumed the morning, and I was past due for a haircut. That’s always a scary proposition, but it was met with total success, and I think I can make it until we return. We had need of a printer and scanner for some business that we had to tend to, and our friend Richard Nahem was kind enough to give Bernie help with that as I did the laundry. As a thank-you, we took Richard to lunch at a new restaurant to us called L’Alivi which is Corsican. It was quite nice, and we enjoyed a shady patio and good conversation.
In the mid-afternoon, I did a little browsing around the wonderful streets in our area and spotted a few items which may lure me back in today. For dinner, we tried a Mexican place on Francois Miron called La Perla. I think it’s better known for its Happy Hour than the food. We had some interesting tacos, chips and salsa (of a sort) and a very inexpensive tab. The food was trés spicy, so we probably won’t go back.
After dinner, we had a dessert and did some quick strolling. It was a gorgeous night under a setting sun.

The “Purely Paris Photo of the day is a familiar site in Paris…the beloved dog hanging out the window. Dogs are given high priority everywhere.
The days are winding down for what has been such a quick visit with only a week remaining. It’s been such fun to have you along for the ride!
À bientôt,
L & B
July 18, 2017 @ 9:35 am
Aaahhhh, an ordinary day in Paris is still extraordinary to me — which is why your blog is such a joy!
I am already mourning your departure and looking forward to your next return, whenever it may be.
Love today’s header photo. Cheers and may you find an oasis or two of air-conditioning.
July 18, 2017 @ 10:36 am
I agree that Bernie’s photo of the blue umbrellas through the bridge was fantastic. Thanks for always making my day with your comments. Our dates next year are June 15 until August 15. Hopefully, we will rendezvous again!
July 18, 2017 @ 11:22 am
The Paris beach looks inviting. How does it work? Do you rent the space?
July 18, 2017 @ 11:39 am
This is just the very beginning. We’ll send more pics when it really opens. You do not rent the space. It’s all first come, first served which makes getting a spot really, really difficult. If you want to sit there all day, you can! C’est Paris!
July 18, 2017 @ 11:43 am
Clip and I truly enjoy visiting Paris through your blog and appreciate you and Bernie taking the time each day to share your adventures, experiences and photos. I know leaving Paris is bitter sweet but we miss you in Huntsville and look forward to your return.
July 18, 2017 @ 12:20 pm
How is Clip doing? We have been lighting a candle frequently for him and several others.
July 18, 2017 @ 1:08 pm
Linda, thank you for your daily insights on Paris. I just found you on Facebook maybe a month ago but really look forward to you every morning while I drink my coffee! We visited Paris last fall and of course, fell in love with it. We want to go back since we still have so much more to see and do. I love how you really hit the local culture and the pictures are great.
The Purely Paris pictures always make me smile! Thanks again.
July 18, 2017 @ 1:59 pm
Enchante, Ann! Are you in the US? Thanks for following the blog!
July 19, 2017 @ 11:29 am
Yes, I’m in the US. Maryland and Delaware!