Lovely Day for a Picnic on the River and Then Some!
Bonjour mes amis,
One of our favorite activities to do in Paris has always been a picnic on the river. Yesterday was the perfect day: the wind was down, the temp in the mid-80’s and no clouds in the sky. It is the Paris Plages right now or Paris Beach. The beach chairs go out just a little before noon, and the people start to come, ready for some sun bathing. It’s a cheap way to enjoy lunch…sandwiches, a little fruit, some dark chocolate, wine and water. Divine!

I reserved tickets at 3pm to see the magnificent exhibition showing right now at L’Artelier des Lumières on the works of Gaudi and Dali. If you’ve been to Barcelona, you will already know about the works of Gaudi who splashed the city with his colorful architecture, most prominently La Sagrada Familia, a basilica started in 1882 and still not quite finished. It relies on public donations. Gaudi was the main architect and is buried in the crypt. At the time of his death in 1926, less than a quarter of the project was complete. (Wikipedia).
The Artelier or venue is an old warehouse in the area where Bernie was born. It is just a HUGE room where they have scattered some make-shift seating. It’s impossible not to get people in your photos but that does give a perspective to the ambiance. We have seen two other exhibitions of Klimt and then Van Gogh, both magnificent. This is an immersion experience in multi-media with imaging appearing all around you, moving, morphing on the floor, ceiling and walls accompanied by appropriate music. The Gaudi started with Gershwin’s “Rhapsody in Blue” much to my pleasure. The Dali was much more modern music which all the young people were swaying to. Really a fantastic experience!! There is a Dali museum at Montmartre which we’ve never been to, but we might check it out after this. Sorry to all of you contemporary art lovers, but we find his material in Bernie’s words to be “really weird.”
There’s a bunch of pics so we hope you enjoy!! Please forgive the order and the duplication as both of us were shooting from different locations inside the room. Bernie got some of the basis in actual works and images which help explain the exhibition. I’ll present those at the start of each artist. First Gaudi.
And now the Dali, first with some of his actual art, followed by the multi—media interpretations.
So there you have it! With a slow internet dropping in and out, it’s taken all morning to put this together.
The door of the day is very special as it’s the door to the apartment where Bernie was born in the 11th arrondissment. To get to the exhibition, we walked past it and through the park where he played as a toddler and also past St. Ambroise church where he was baptized. As I was getting the photo of the door, a car pulled up and a man got out who currently lives in the building. He most graciously let Bernie go inside and we saw the array of mailboxes (#6) and the courtyard.
The lovers of the day touched us as we were having a refreshment after the exhibition.
This last photo captures both of our themes. I must confess I saved it from someone’s FB post but it was a perfect combination!
Oops, wasn’t the last photo. Must end with a little levity that I saw in Mrs. Paul’s boulangerie walking home. I’ve never seen these before.
Our project for today is a trip to the pharmacy to see if we can get a “willing” pharmacist to help us put our CDC cards into a special French app for easy access to our COVID info. There will be a proof of vaccination on August 1 for entry into any inside venue. Thanks for all the information from several of you!
À bientôt
L & B
July 22, 2021 @ 10:34 am
That’s pretty special, seeing where Bernie was born.
July 22, 2021 @ 11:00 am
I don’t comment every day, but I want you to know I LOVELOVELOVE your blog as it wakes me each morning with smiles, memories of time in Paris, plus new ideas for when/if I ever get to return.
My personal “door” memory: Back in 2000 (I think), Rick and I were scoping out apartments to rent. We happened by your St Paul address and while we were looking at the door, Bernie walked up with a baguette and a smile. We chatted and he invited us in to see your place (much to your early morning surprise I’m sure) Such a sweet memory of meeting you both! How about a pic of that door?
July 22, 2021 @ 2:08 pm
I posted a picture of our door on the very first day, I think. We weren’t here in 2000 so perhaps a little later.
July 22, 2021 @ 2:09 pm
Also Katie, thanks for your kind words about the blog. TOday’s was an involved post. SO many photos to go through.
July 22, 2021 @ 12:14 pm
Great memories from Bernie’s birthplace! Have to agree with Bernie saying Dali work was “really weird”. I had an aunt who would have loved this art and was a Professor and Department Chair in the School of Art in a college in Louisiana before moving back home and becoming the Art Supervisor in the HCS! I was a young teacher and she came to my room the afternoon of an open house in the mid-1960s and had a meltdown when she saw the art work I had on display of the children’s work. She told me to go home and when I got back for the open house my room was unrecognizable as she had stayed all afternoon to recreate my room! I was never sure where she got all of the art on display that afternoon! 😁😁
July 22, 2021 @ 2:06 pm
Great story! Thx for sharing.
July 22, 2021 @ 12:25 pm
We went to a Dali museum in St. Petersburg, Fl. a couple of years ago. A woman stopped us to inform us this was better than the one in Spain. I must admit in reading about his life, techniques, and what motivated him, I was able to look at his art in a different light. I’m not a big fan of surrealism but it expanded my ability to view his works.
Love your beach scenes. You both look so relaxed and happy. I loved your last two photos in the blog!
July 22, 2021 @ 2:06 pm
I could do some studying on Dali for sure!
July 22, 2021 @ 12:56 pm
Linda- as one of the many faithful followers of your blog, I want to thank you for all the time and effort you spend to bring us a daily account of your and Bernie’s adventures in Paris. Your posts are simply marvelous and the photos make us feel like we are tagging along if only vicariously. So be assured that you are scattering the joys of Paris to all your readers. Every morning I look forward to starting my day with your posts. Merci mille fois!!
July 22, 2021 @ 2:18 pm
Dorcas, merci beaucoup. I try to keep my French spelling top-notch because of you and Bernie’s French cousin, Laurie, whom you met in Huntsville. So glad you are enjoying!
July 22, 2021 @ 1:17 pm
Gaudi esp w Rhapsody in Blue was awesome I bet! I think I need some of Cindi‘s information to better appreciate Dali, Ha! Surprised you were able to sit in a room like this, mom, and not get sick Bc of it being all around you. How awesome that y’all were able to go inside the courtyard where Bernie was raised. I wish we had had time to sit by the river… I know we planned on it but it was so cold we couldn’t do it that night.
July 22, 2021 @ 2:21 pm
It’s too bad we didn’t get to have a dinner by the river and that Carson didn’t get to see this multi-media show. I think he would have been fascinated at how they do it, even though he has little familiarity yet with the artists. Steve misses out on the chance of a lifetime with us but….
July 22, 2021 @ 1:24 pm
Really neat day. I would love sitting by the river in a beach chair reading a good book. We saw a multi-media art presentation on our last trip to France, and I found it fascinating. I understand we are getting some in the states now.
July 22, 2021 @ 2:17 pm
As I recall, we had a pique-nique with you and Judy by the Medici fountain in Luxembourg Gardens.
July 22, 2021 @ 1:27 pm
Hi Linda
We’ve been to the Dali museum in Spain in Figueres. It’s absolutely fabulous and it was there that I started to appreciate Dali, especially after a private tour when the symbolism was explained.
How wonderful that Bernie visited there house of his birth. Did he remember much of the courtyard ?
Love to you both, Antonia x
July 22, 2021 @ 2:15 pm
Bernie was so young. He doesn’t remember much. His mother became the concierge for an apartment building in the 16th near Place Victor Hugo. That’s where his memories are. Their room was in the basement and his bed was under the water heater! Every time I hear that story, I cringe!
July 22, 2021 @ 1:28 pm
I look forward to a new excursion each morning. These are delightful and bring back many memories. Thank you!
July 22, 2021 @ 2:12 pm
July 22, 2021 @ 2:22 pm
Thank you so much for the wonderful photos. Love the Paris Beach idea. I’m not a fan of Dali either. Someone told me in his later years he wasn’t lucid. Unscrupulous people did lots of prints and his signature was added. So beware!
July 22, 2021 @ 3:22 pm
I couldn’t remember the year. I’ll try to look back and figure it out.
July 22, 2021 @ 3:30 pm
I looked back! Yes, that’s the door! Could it have been 2010 or 11?
July 22, 2021 @ 4:16 pm
Yes, that was most likely it!!
July 22, 2021 @ 4:46 pm
Nice and colorful day. Sounds like quite an experience to me. Gaudi is good, Dali is way too advanced for me. Were these pictures of Gaudi designed buildings? The balconies were great. I’m enjoying your little beach R&R, your guests wore me out. Tks.
July 22, 2021 @ 5:19 pm
Yes, many of the pics were buildings, parks, etc. that Gaudi designed. And yes, we were plenty tired when out guests left!
July 22, 2021 @ 5:36 pm
We sooo enjoyed the exhibition of Van Gogh in Arles. Maybe Gaudi’s will make it across the pond. No desire to see Dali. How serendipitous for Bernie at his apartment!!! And, Charles would be doing the same thing as Bernie at the “beach.” What a glorious day you had! Would love one of those soccer men😋!
July 23, 2021 @ 4:57 pm
Today’s photos were marvelous. Thank you so much for a taste of the exhibition.