A Bonus Post from Heritage Days on Sunday
First off, don’t forget to vote for your favorite café chairs and favorite doggie. Lots of votes coming in and I will post the winners on Thursday morning. I will send out my farewell post for 2022 on Friday as we pull our apartment door closed for the last time.
Our final Sunday in Paris was such fun that I just had to share some photos with you. Once a year in September, the French government opens up the city to special government buildings and other special places for an entire weekend. It’s all free but some popular sites require a reservation. They call it les journées du patrimoine. We chose to go to the Legion of Honor this year which is located next to Le Musée d’Orsay.
But prior to the afternoon outing, we made our only effort to attend worship this year at the very beautiful American Cathedral of Paris on Avenue George V. We were shocked when we entered because there was a significant change. All the flags of the 50 US states had been removed from the rafters! They were breathtaking! I had to find out why so I asked an usher about it. (Would you believe he was from the South and went to school at Swanee.) During COVID they began sending their services out virtually and moved the rector down from the pulpit to right in front of the altar for his sermon. The flags interfered with the audio/video transmission according to him (?) so they were removed. He said the flags were also quite old and a bit tattered. Hopefully, they will assemble a set of new flags and place them if not on the rafters, then somewhere else in the sanctuary. I was so disappointed!
We left worship to have lunch at an ironic French restaurant, Chez André. It was a favorite of Bernie’s when he was traveling for his Army career. He said that nothing had changed over all these years.

On the way to the subway on Avenue George V, we passed the famous Crazy Horse Saloon where people were lined up to enter. Somehow, I had never noticed this before because we always walk on the opposite side of the street. Bernie has been once before. (but with his wife!)
Now here’s a photo tour of the Legion of Honor constructed by Napoléon Bonaparte in 1802. It’s much like a mini-Versailles. The line to enter was steady but not overwhelming, and we thoroughly enjoyed our visit. Outside is a statue of Thomas Jefferson who modeled his home Monticello after this structure.
The weather was splendid and the city was absolutely alive with people enjoying themselves. Here’s a sample:
Don’t forget to vote!
Happy Day,
L & B
September 20, 2022 @ 9:03 am
Leaving so soon! I know that is bitter sweet. Ready to be home, but hate to leave Paris.
September 20, 2022 @ 10:58 am
September 20, 2022 @ 11:02 am
One last stroll though Paris with you! It was a wonderful summer. Thank you so much for letting us “come along.” Travel safely and well.
September 20, 2022 @ 12:13 pm
The Legion of honor is stunning. Thanks for the tour.
I’ve so enjoyed your time in Paris this year – it’s always a treat to open these – especially this year.
September 20, 2022 @ 2:06 pm
What a delightful final Sunday. Looking forward to results from voting.
September 20, 2022 @ 3:46 pm
What a wonderful day you had! Thank you for showing us new attractions; a story about the church you took us to and other interesting places.
September 20, 2022 @ 9:40 pm
Beautiful photos. Love the reflection of the chandeliers in photos. It looks like a marvelous day. Thank you!
Hope you are well.
September 20, 2022 @ 9:44 pm
Truly one of the most interesting today.what splendor! Sorry our tour will soon end,but will be glad to see you..
September 22, 2022 @ 3:23 am
Oh my goodness, packed indeed! I’ve never seen so many people in the garden!! I need a picture of you eating those yummy chestnuts! The Legion of honor is amazing! Any idea who’s bed that was? And the picture right before the bed where you are showing the chandelier and the ceiling -gorgeous! I think you caught the light just right in that one. All the furnishings are exquisite!! The road beside the river appears that they had to cut out a section and repave…they messed up the art, oops. Sad your days are winding down.