Getting euros for your Paris travel
If traveling to Paris is in your future, we recommend that you not get your euros here in the States beforehand. You will pay through the nose for the conversion and it takes some time and hassle to go through your bank. Here’s a proven, 9-year tested approach that works for Bernie and me. Whether […]
One month til Paris!
Bon jour, In exactly one month, we will be leaving for Paris for the tenth year. How exciting! And how blessed we are to have the financial and physical ability to do this! This year we will celebrate Bernie’s 75th birthday. So where is my mind these days? Well, given that we have never gone […]
See You Next Year
Cher amis, Writing our final blog from Paris is always an emotional mixture of happy and sad. We try to make it interesting and different from previous years. Given that this is our fourth time to do the blog, putting a new slant on the visit is indeed a challenge. Bernie has actually helped with […]