Café Chairs of Maison Drucker…The Best in Paris
Bonjour mes amis,
As our time together comes to a close, I thought it would be great to have a little fun AND perhaps learn something new at the same time.
Thanks to Bernie’s French cousin, Laurie, I have learned that all café chairs in Paris are not created equal. A House of Tradition, Maison Drucker, established in 1885 by Louis Drucker, is the oldest workshop of rattan chairs in France. Their production process has been passed on from generation to generation since the 19th century. From the beginning, creativeness and the best materials were Drucker’s primary concerns. Keeping the best of the past, Drucker’s bistro chairs have become over time a symbol of Parisian identity. For more about Maison Drucker, here is a web link:
They have a wide range of 31 colors and many different styles. The workmanship features:
– Rattan canes manually prepared
– High strength Rilsan fiber braiding done by hand
– Assembling according to the traditional way
– Made in France
Checking on their website, I found that the chairs typically sell for 250-275 euros each! Given that an average café might have 100 or more chairs, this is not a small investment! There are plenty of copycats but the Drucker is the best!
As we walked the streets of Paris, the Drucker-style chair is still the most common, but we also saw a prevalence of plastic, vinyl, wood, and metal chairs, which I suspect are less expensive, but I don’t know that for certain. Let’s hope that the classic Drucker chair survives the economic challenges!
Now to the fun part. I have selected some of the more unusual café chairs from my posts and numbered them. Vote for your favorite by the number assigned, and we’ll see which one wins! We depart next weekend so I need your votes by July 13. VOTE FOR ONLY ONE!

I hope you have enjoyed this year’s unique project of café chairs as much as we have. You can send in your vote as a comment on the blog, as an email to me at, or as a Face Book message.
July 8, 2016 @ 6:20 am
2, 4 & 15 …am I allowed to pick three?! 😉
July 8, 2016 @ 7:01 am
Prefer just one selection so let me know
July 8, 2016 @ 1:35 pm
Le Deux Magot chairs, I like classic Parisian style
July 8, 2016 @ 1:47 pm
July 8, 2016 @ 6:08 pm
#2! So bright and beautiful!
July 8, 2016 @ 10:44 am
#11 Fun story and I love the pictures!
July 8, 2016 @ 11:26 am
I choose #15 for comfort (most important at my age and in my condition) and style. Part of the fun is sitting in those chairs for a lengthy period of time, chatting and watching other people. Comfort is a must for some of us! Blogs were great this year as usual. Ever thought about becoming an author! Love to you both and have a safe trip home.
July 8, 2016 @ 11:31 am
Got it! See you guys soon. Thanks for all your comments.
July 8, 2016 @ 11:28 am
Number 11 for me. They are classic but comfortable looking. We will hunt them down and try them when we get there! Leaving right now for Atlanta to catch our flight this evening!
July 8, 2016 @ 11:30 am
Safe travels and can’t wait to see you!
July 8, 2016 @ 12:17 pm
I vote #11
Regretfully,you’ll return to so much tragedy in our torn country. Am sure you’ve heard about Dallas.
July 8, 2016 @ 12:21 pm
Thanks, Judy. Yes, we’ve been watching the news about Dallas. I think the world is just going crazy and it makes me so sad.
July 8, 2016 @ 12:41 pm
Linda, it’s #11 for me. Purple is my favorite color, plus they just look comfy. This was such a fun idea !
July 8, 2016 @ 1:00 pm
Thanks! Wish Mother were here to enjoy all of this, don’t you?
July 8, 2016 @ 1:16 pm
I have loved the pictures of the cafe chairs and I vote for number 16. It is a straight back and would fit my back situation.
See you soon.
July 8, 2016 @ 1:23 pm
#16 are my favorite! I’m partial to rattan and their comfort.
July 8, 2016 @ 1:48 pm
July 8, 2016 @ 1:52 pm
I vote for #16 especially since Les Deux Magots is one of my favorite spots in Paris.
#5 is also stunning and might have been my first choice had we seen the entire chair.
This unique little featured chair theme has been fun, LInda. Thank you!!
What are we going to do when your trip ends and there’s no more Paris blog to read????
July 8, 2016 @ 2:17 pm
Such kind comments, Dorcas. What you can do is just plan your trip to Paris!
July 8, 2016 @ 2:10 pm
I liked # 15. They looked comfortable and I liked the black & white.
July 8, 2016 @ 2:16 pm
July 8, 2016 @ 2:35 pm
I like # 11. Love the color!
July 8, 2016 @ 2:38 pm
I really like both # 11 and # 16….very classic Parisian look and, they are also very comfortable for extended people watching.
Thanks for the fun!
July 8, 2016 @ 2:41 pm
Which one do you like best? Just one vote per person!
July 8, 2016 @ 3:19 pm
Oops….mea culpa! I will choose # 16.
July 8, 2016 @ 3:01 pm
Chairs were great fun. Hard to pick just one but I will go with #15, très chic!
July 8, 2016 @ 3:45 pm
#9 gets my vote. love the leather and iron.
July 8, 2016 @ 3:45 pm
I vote for the most classical ones : n°16 !
July 8, 2016 @ 3:52 pm
Number 11 for me, color & design attract me.
July 8, 2016 @ 10:56 pm
#20 for best of show
[ #2 for most unusual and setting a scene
#14 for most integral to setting
#15 for most sophisticated and possibly most comfortable
#21 for hosting our beautiful tour guide ]
July 8, 2016 @ 11:18 pm
#6 — But tell me what is draped over the arm of # 15
July 9, 2016 @ 6:05 am
I think it’s a decorative throw but I’ll look.
July 9, 2016 @ 2:09 am
Numbers 16 for me very Parisian
July 9, 2016 @ 1:22 pm
So hard to choose. I really must go try them all out!
But I’ll cast my vote for 11 and Rick casts his for 15.
Such fun!
July 9, 2016 @ 1:38 pm
Linda, I have taken this much too seriously. First reaction was along Charles’ take that none looked that ‘comfortable’. One caught my eye, but unlike Susan I did not like the shade of purple. I finally narrowed it down, and have to agree #16 is my choice! Fun and great exercise, as I feel like I have been walking back and forth to each selection. 😃 Enjoy your final days!!
July 9, 2016 @ 2:45 pm
#16 the classic! Seeing all these chairs has been fun!
July 9, 2016 @ 5:37 pm
The blog has been an exciting venture for me each day. Thanks for all the fun we have had visiting Paris vicariously reading your blogs and the spectacular photography by Bernie!!!
I vote for # 15!
July 9, 2016 @ 5:47 pm
Such kind comments, Mary Jane! Glad you have enjoyed it.
July 9, 2016 @ 11:21 pm
#16 is my favorite. Love the color and it looks comfortable.
July 9, 2016 @ 11:24 pm
Sorry but I meant #11. Love the purple.
July 10, 2016 @ 9:51 pm
My favorite is #16. A classic with panache!
July 11, 2016 @ 1:15 am
My choice is #15 for looks, comfort and cleanliness and I love the throws that are there with them. But my favorite is the banner photo…couldn’t find that in the list!
July 12, 2016 @ 2:56 am
call me a traditionalist – #16
Love this!
July 13, 2016 @ 3:30 am
I couldn’t decide between #15 and #16. However #16 has my favorite colors so that’s my final choice. I loved the different colors and styles.
July 13, 2016 @ 4:31 am
Well I would go for #12 every time if spending time hanging out at the cafe people watching:) The chairs have a deep seat – arm rests – comfortable wicker – and hopefully cushions in the seats. You can sit back in chair and relax w/o having to sit up straight at cafe table. Green color was fun 🙂