Christian Dior-Couturier Du Reve Exposition
Today’s post will be quite lengthy because we have a treat for you. Bernie’s son, James, very much wanted to see the Dior exposition that just opened in Paris as did I so we made that our Tuesday project. It was showing at Les Arts Decoratif which is part of the Louvre palace on rue de Rivoli. The title of the show, Couturier du Reve, means “Fashion Designer of Dreams.” The show didn’t open until 11am, and we were in the queue by 10:30. The line was slow, and we finally entered about 11:30 for an admission price of only 11 euros.
Here is the explanation about the show from their brochure:
It was as the French would say formidable..absolutely the best exhibit we’ve seen in our thirteen summers here. It was so beautifully designed, and I’m sure our photos will not convey all the visual stimulation of color, staging, form, development, and sheer exhaustive production of the House of Dior. One could easily spend four or five hours going through the exhibit.
There were crowds of people all trying to snap photos, like we were. We learned the history of Dior’s life, and the various forms of inspiration for his fashion ideas.

This was Dior’s first creation and the very first dress in the exhibit.

A marvelous section of miniatures displayed samples or patterns, similar to doll clothes, of almost everything Dior designed. Also the shoes and the jewelry. Just amazing.
Next was a “dream gallery” much like a Monet garden with flowers suspended from the ceiling,
then a section on his perfume,
a section on the people who followed Dior after his death as head of the House of Dior, an atelier or workshop area which showed the muslin patterns,
a section on photography and the impact of all the fashion magazines, movies, and designer dresses for famous people,
and then suddenly the grand finale in the massive gorgeous gallery. It was breath-taking. My words falter in describing the wow factor in this room, where lighting and special projected photography created a dream world. Hopefully, the photos will tell the glorious story.
For you guys, Bernie was blown away, and he didn’t really want to go!
We concluded our lovely outing with lunch at Le Village near La Place de Madeleine.
The “Purely Paris photo of the day” is a little girl waiting in line for the Dior exhibit who was standing right behind us!
Truly hope I haven’t exhausted your patience with all the photos, but they’re the next best thing to being here in Paris at this exhibit. Trust me, I have only shared about a third of Bernie’s and my photos.
L & B
July 12, 2017 @ 2:20 am
Thanks for sharing. The exhibit looks dreamy and the “WOW” factor is unmistakable!
July 12, 2017 @ 2:42 am
Words totally escape me. Just WOW!!!!
July 12, 2017 @ 3:22 am
So many words come to mind, stunning, exquisite, regal, artistic, and none are adequate to describe the Dior exhibit. Thank you for sharing so many photos.
July 12, 2017 @ 3:23 am
Linda – Thank you for sharing! It was a WOW for sure!
July 12, 2017 @ 4:34 am
Thank you Linda for this. I had marked this as something to see when I am in Paris in December/January. Now I am really looking forward to going to see this exhibition. Just as a side note, my mother was a dressmaker and worked for an Australian dress designer in the 1930s. She made most of my clothes and she was very adept at copying the French designers clothes. I loved that I always wore the latest fashions when I was young.
July 12, 2017 @ 4:35 am
What a fabulous exhibit! Photos are stunning and it certainly makes me long to see it. Thank you as always for taking us along on your journey. Amazing!!
July 12, 2017 @ 9:27 am
A blockbuster exhibit for sure! Well done to see it in its early days too.
Great photos including the stair selfie 🙂 Merci L&B!
July 12, 2017 @ 12:02 pm
REally love the clothes. Shirtwaist dresses were the rage for country girls from Sand Mountain,
And before children, I had a waist to wear them.
Take care …thank you again.
July 12, 2017 @ 5:48 pm
WOW ! So glad you were able to see the Dior exhibit!! One of your top memories I bet!
July 12, 2017 @ 8:04 pm
Yes, absolutely!
July 12, 2017 @ 6:38 pm
Of course Bernie enjoyed it, what a great place to meet chics. The picture which showed your reflection off to side was a keeper. The imagination that allows that some folks to come up with exhibits like this is unreal.
July 12, 2017 @ 8:05 pm
Yes, the whole experience was like a dream, well-named.
July 12, 2017 @ 10:18 pm
C’est magnifique! What a treat!
July 13, 2017 @ 1:51 am
I am a friend of John & Sharon, living in Tucson. Sharon was talking about your blog and shared with me that site so I might be able to view Paris through your eyes. I’m excited to see what you experience while you are there.
July 13, 2017 @ 5:39 am
Enchanté, Gloria! Means “nice to meet you” in French. If you go to my web site, there is a place in the menu called BLOGS and it will allow you to see the history of everything I’ve posted. Are you the friend who is thinking of coming to Paris next year with Sharon & Johnny?
July 13, 2017 @ 5:04 am
Totally breath-taking! I enjoyed every one of the photos😊