Cool Sunday in Paris
Like many of you, we have been glued to the television watching either BBC or CNN International for the information on Queen Elizabeth’s death. What an amazing legacy and historic icon she was. When I was 22 years old, I remember teaching a unit on Shakespeare to my Juniors at Southwest High School in Atlanta which highlighted Elizabeth I, also an iconic figure who represented an era of history. I saved all my notes for many years but finally threw out the large file box when I moved the last time. There was a sadness to that gesture, just as there is to this now. We want to bottle her kind of courage, steadfastness, influence, and character and keep it forever; but alas, we cannot. Heartfelt condolences to our British friends, Carolyn and Malcom and Antonia.
Two people had recommended a new market to us that runs on Saturday mornings called the Wilson Market near Pont d’Alma. We went yesterday morning and were not disappointed! It is one long Marche up the hill on even ground and easier to navigate than the Bastille. It was misting rain the entire time and jammed. We are finding that the city is still very crowded with many people from the Middle East and Asia. It’s hard not to contrast the same pleasant time last year when hardly anyone was here right after the pandemic travel ban had been lifted.
Enjoy the photos.

Today, we have an invitation to an “apero” or social gathering in the home of one of our friends in the Marais. There will be five of us plus two visiting dogs. Should be fun. We are ready with hostess gifts which is a definite must in Paris.
I am working on some final posts with café chairs and the doggies in cafés for your voting pleasure. I think I’ve reached my limit on both!
Have a lovely day.
L & B
September 11, 2022 @ 7:44 am
I am glad you liked the Wilson Marché. Good quality offerings and easy to navigate. Enjoy your remaining days in Paris! Time flies!
September 11, 2022 @ 9:02 am
Oui, oui!
September 11, 2022 @ 11:03 am
The close-ups of produce and flowers could be calendar pictures for an entire year. Beautiful!
September 11, 2022 @ 11:43 am
Isn’t it still fun to discover new and different places to visit after all these years as well as being able to stay connected to old acquaintances? I can’t believe your visit is drawing to a close. We will be happy to see you both on your return home.
September 11, 2022 @ 4:59 pm
hi Linda
As someone who has visited Paris, many times I enjoy your blog, comments, pictures. It’s the closest thing to being there. Now I am older and in a wheel chair; I enjoy them even more. I have tried to save as many as possible. It’s realistic and not idealized for tourists by the chamber of commerce
I think this could be a coffee table book and tourist guide for real people. I wish I had saved more. This really helps you appreciate Paris.
I hope you have many more visits and I look forward to them. Stay well
September 11, 2022 @ 5:14 pm
How very kind of you! We have a book about Paris. It’s on Amazon and is called “Bernie’s Paris.” It’s not a compilation of my blogs but a detailed guide to Paris, though it is outdated now. However, you might enjoy it! All the best to you!!
September 12, 2022 @ 3:12 am
I still adore the FLOWERS at the market! How do they compare in price to here? Or how are they priced in general b/c I don’t know anything here except Hobby Lobby (fake…and hopefully 50% off!) and high end florist! Maybe I can entice Steve to Europe one day with the FOOD!! It was rainy this am but cleared up nicely here today 🙂
September 12, 2022 @ 5:26 am
So glad you are back to reading the blogs! The flowers are expensive but gorgeous. Fresh flowers are a big part of daily life in Paris, much more so than in the USA.