Good Friends, Good Fun…Best Way to Spend a Paris Day
Admittedly, there are moments in Paris where I want to pinch myself to make sure everything is truly happening. Almost too pleasant to be real, yesterday was such a day…a leisurely Saturday, perfect weather (in the 70’s), no deadlines or appointments other than to link up with the Bilbro’s for separate lunches, one for the gals and one for the guys in spots of our choosing along rue de Rivoli. We had thought about going to Angelina’s but the line was out the door and down the street…Ugh. The gals landed at a lovely café and had avocado toast and a fabulous apple tart for Peggy. Very tasty.
We solved the problems of the world and texted the guys to see where they were hanging out. They had repositioned themselves after lunch over near the Palais Royale at Café Le Nemours. (Bernie’s quest has been to get coasters from everywhere we go and he’s now up to 43!)
This is a very fun spot and there’s always entertainment of some sort. Yesterday were the street dancers who are just amazing, and guess who joined in the fun? Sorry that my blogging site doesn’t process videos as I took some good ones.

When we returned home, there were all manner of “manifestations” marching down our street. This one advocating against the war in Ukraine was heart-breaking. You’ll notice that at one point, they all fell to the ground as though dead. A loud recording played bombs dropping, machine gun fire, sirens going off, airplanes roaring overhead. Again, the video would have brought it all to life, but I think you will get the point. These photos were taken from our living room window. All protests of this sort begin from La Place de la Republique which is just two blocks up the street.
Looks like maybe this video will play if you click on the link!! Give it a minute. However, not the one of Jim & Peggy.
I’ll close with two interesting photos: the shadow of the café chairs where we ate lunch and Peggy’s shot of the reflections in my sunglasses. Her artist eye is always keen.
Hope your Saturday was as good as ours. Yes, we are blessed!
L & B
August 28, 2022 @ 8:18 am
Wow! That video is so heart wrenching! With all the drama in the US, we seem to have forgotten the war against the Ukrainian people. We really enjoyed our leisurely day with you and Bernie. Sometimes, gals just need a little gal time! Thanks for the dance pics. It was fun!
August 28, 2022 @ 8:44 am
I think the video of you guys dancing was too long. The other was pretty short. I left you some messages on FB Messenger.
August 28, 2022 @ 11:37 am
How fun to be able to take in the fun and frivolous around you, as well as the heartbreaking. I love the pictures of Jim and Peggy dancing in the street! The sunglasses reflection in your glasses was my favorite of today’s photo collection.
August 28, 2022 @ 11:45 am
Wow. Those little “dead” children with flower crowns at the lead of the event and the empty scooter really got to me.
But glad you had such a lovely day in Paris. Those perfect times restore the soul.
August 28, 2022 @ 12:34 pm
Great post that captures such an obviously delightful day!
The street dancing is just so joyful!
Praying for many more lovely days ahead!
August 28, 2022 @ 12:36 pm
Interesting day. Thank you.
August 28, 2022 @ 1:23 pm
Yes, the video was heart- wrenching. Charles uses a genealogy program begun by some 20 somethings in Kiev. He has communicated with them and they have sent pics of themselves and how they have had to adapt to survive as well as keep their business going. Their stories and what they are going thru are as gut wrenching. They appreciate knowing they are supported around the world. I keep a bouquet of sunflowers tied with a blue bow on my mailbox. Just a little way of showing we care.
August 28, 2022 @ 1:46 pm
The video of Peggy and Jim made me want to get up and dance! As always, I enjoyed the photos. The demonstration about Ukraine is heartbreaking, especially with the children lying on the street.
August 28, 2022 @ 2:41 pm
What a day of contrasts. So typical of life. Loved the street dancing-just makes your heart happy.
August 28, 2022 @ 5:16 pm
The video worked well and was quite heart-wrenching. Your days sounds and looks wonderful! Merci foe sharing it with us.
September 14, 2022 @ 5:39 am
Love the sunglasses pic. Not sure how y’all are seeing videos or a link. I only see pictures. Super sad either way 😢
September 14, 2022 @ 5:47 am
To see the video click on the link and it should open.