Photo theme for Paris Blog in 2021
Bonjour mes amis,
If all goes well, we will be in Paris by early July. We need a picture-taking theme a la the Café chairs. In 2019, we did a series of light photos which turned out great. This was a suggestion from Lea Ellison. Sometimes it takes a village.
Two considerations: must appeal to both men and women and be relatively easy to take. Remember in Paris, sometimes one must be discreet.
Some thoughts are shoes (hard to get), scarves (ditto), desserts, food plates (Bernie is not a fan), dogs, flowers, waiters or my favorite for this year – Paris lovers! After the pandemic, folks might love to see people touching, kissing, embracing, etc.
Can’t wait to get your suggestions!
L & B
May 26, 2021 @ 1:51 pm
I have enjoyed doing doors and loved our “Doors of Provence” page that we did 2 years ago. I have also done bikes before, but Judy wasn’t a fan. I thought about bike riders in Paris since I have some interstate shots of that. I like lovers. Neat idea. “Juxtaposition” would be great fo Paris with its age and variates of different thing side by side—good, I interesting blog starters too. We used that topic a couple of years ago in HPS and since then I keep seeing things in juxtaposition and find them interesting and often funny. I didn’t notice them before. Well, that has exhausted my creativity for the day.
May 26, 2021 @ 5:35 pm
My friend Richard Nahem does doors on Eye Prefer Paris so I don’t want to step on his parade! How are you feeling?
May 26, 2021 @ 2:18 pm
Your idea on lovers sounds like fun and so uplifting, Linda! I also like the idea of bakery windows since they do that so artistically. BUT most important is that you and Bernie have fun and get excited about it. That has always carried over into your blogs that we all enjoy so much. So happy you are going!
May 26, 2021 @ 5:33 pm
Merci, Carol! Windows are so hard because of all the reflections.
May 26, 2021 @ 2:36 pm
River Seine photos! Store windows! Iconic buildings! Outside or inside churches! Lots of possibilities.
May 26, 2021 @ 5:28 pm
Thanks, Peggy. The store windows are so hard because of reflections at most any time of day.
May 26, 2021 @ 2:56 pm
Paris Lovers is perfectly Perfect please!
May 26, 2021 @ 5:32 pm
May 26, 2021 @ 3:14 pm
So happy you are returning to beautiful Paris! All of these sound grand. What might you think about hidden streets and allees?
I look forward to your blog and traveling vicariously! Sounds wonderful.
May 26, 2021 @ 5:10 pm
Couples, best smiles, happy volunteer waves to USA. Doors, windows, fountains. Sandals. Masks It’s going to hard to beat the cafe chairs. I hope you get there before the Tour de France ends. Your trips seem to work well with the Tour. Is it le or la Tour?
May 26, 2021 @ 7:24 pm
Linda, I am so glad you get to go back! I vote for the idea of people hugging/kissing/embracing as your theme.
It was so good to see you yesterday and be able to give you a hug!
May 27, 2021 @ 12:28 am
I say window displays!
May 27, 2021 @ 1:31 am
I’m not quite sure how you do this, but since Paris will be coming to life again, perhaps photos that illustrate people coming together in restaurants, churches, museums, on the streets. Photos of people enjoying things we all missed. May be too vague but that’s what came to me.
May 27, 2021 @ 2:41 pm
I am so excited about you and Bernie returning to Paris. Look forward to your blog. How about a shoe thing?
May 28, 2021 @ 3:56 pm
Good to hear you and Bernie will be making the trip to Paris this year. I will look forward to your blog to start my day.
My suggestion for the photo theme would be “Historical Architecture”. There is, of course, the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame but I imagine there are many more neat photo ops of French architecture.
Have a great trip.
June 2, 2021 @ 7:53 pm
So happy you and Bernie can return to Paris. I love all the photos you post. Something may stand out to you when you are there. Flowers are my favorites.
June 4, 2021 @ 4:25 pm
What about “love in Paris” instead of limiting it to lovers? Lots of possibilities to interpret! There are also so many lovely hidden gardens in Paris that could be fun for you and Bernie to find and photograph. Although, it may not be practical if the weather is too hot. I truly hope you are able to travel and travel safely! We are thinking of going to Paris again for Christmas, but may need to wait until 2022. Have fun and thank you for taking us all along for the ride!
June 22, 2021 @ 8:01 pm
Can’t wait to hear from you in Paris! I don’t know what the theme will be, but I know I’ll love it!
June 22, 2021 @ 8:03 pm
Can hardly wait for your Paris adventure!
July 1, 2021 @ 2:06 pm
Linda, when will you be there? I loved seeing the EYE PREFER PARIS article that Richard just posted about the Atget/Cartier Bresson photography exhibit at the Foundation HBC . The Musee Carnivale that you took me to is involved as you probably read in the piece.
Can you email me directly and vice versa, once you are settled?
Love and safe travels, Jeanie (
July 1, 2021 @ 2:19 pm
Hi Jeanie!
We will arrive in Paris this Sunday, July 4 and be there for 3 months! Certainly, we can email directly if you prefer that to open comments here. The Carnavelet has been under renovation for the last 3-4 years and we are very excited to see it again. Also Le Samaritaine department store is now open and Le Boursse (Sp)which is the original stock market has been converted to a fantastic museum. We have tix to that with Jim & Peggy Bilbro who will be in Paris in late July for a few weeks. They have bought an apartment in Southern Italy! My daughter and grandson are coming over in mid—July for a week. Very excited. Hope you are doing well.
July 1, 2021 @ 2:41 pm
Linda, thanks for the speedy reply during this busy time for you! I am so excited for you and Bernie! Can you send your direct email address to mine when you get a minute? I’ve lost yours because of a computer software issue I think. is my new address. the old one is forwarding, too. I would love to contact the Bilbro’s about their So. Italy apt. I may be able to go to Italy next summer. So glad your daughter and grandson are coming to see you! Merci beaucoup, Jeanie