Strolling and Eating…C’est Paris!
It’s the morning after again and I’m just writing yesterday’s blog. We came in so tired last night and then slept in! What a wonderful life. We’re counting down the days as there are only six more to go! Our trip is a little shorter this year, seven weeks instead of eight, and that was because we were unsure about how my knee would do. Surprisingly, it has done great and decreased in size due to all the exercise. It is almost identical to the good knee. I still know it’s there especially going down steps. The elevator was a great choice and saved me, I think.
Yesterday was laundry in the morning and then a gentle stroll around the Place Vendome area. The Ritz is still under renovation as is the entire square. The signage says the work will be completed in ten months and it’s now been two years! C’est Paris (That’s Paris!) Here are some pics of our stroll with captions.

Last evening we had a special dinner with Bernie’s son, his significant other, Stephen, their friend and roomie Monica, and the Bilbros. Our choice was a small, intimate spot on Ile St. Louis called L’Ilot Vache, the place of the cows. Cows did indeed used to graze on the island many, many years ago. Though the restaurant has been upgraded, there are a few remaining cow ornaments like these bells, and the talk of the night was the new TOTO toilet with all of its bells and whistles! Alas, no photos of that!
Jim Bilbro took many of these photos, and I took a few with my iPhone. He gave me the honor of posting them! Paris is always great but even better when you can share it with family and friends.
À bientôt,
Linda & Bernie
August 8, 2015 @ 9:50 am
I love the tiled Moroccan restaurant and the teacup place. I do have to go back there. It was so nice to catch up again with Jamie and get to know Stephen better. Two great guys!
August 8, 2015 @ 10:36 am
Yes, it’s been great to have them here. We haven’t seen them that much but are proud of them for doing Paris on their own initiative.
August 8, 2015 @ 12:19 pm
Love your photos today! I Always love the food photos you share. The tea cup fixture is precious. We look forward to having you home in hot & humid Huntsville.
August 8, 2015 @ 4:18 pm
Thanks, Cindi. 6 days now and counting. How was your New York trip?
August 8, 2015 @ 5:10 pm
Great post, BUT I want to know where the TOTO toilet was! You know we have TOTO toilets with all the bells and whistles.
August 8, 2015 @ 8:49 pm
It was in the restaurant where we had dinner, L’Ilot Vache. Everyone played with all the buttons.
August 8, 2015 @ 7:03 pm
Yesterday looks like it was really, really nice. Someone here should try the tea cup light fixture. In this town of engineers, there’s surely one who could do it in various sizes, and I don’t even have a place for it!
August 10, 2015 @ 9:18 am
I’ve enjoyed the photos and commentary and have learned about some of your favorite places in the city. Will use this information next time we are there. Enjoy your remIning days!
August 10, 2015 @ 1:41 pm
So glad you’ve been following our trip! Lunch again soon! I have been writing a lot in Paris on my book trying to reframe it so as to gain interest hopefully from an agent. So difficult as you know!