A Week of Gorgeous Weather in Paris with the Shory’s
Yesterday was our final day with the Shory’s who by the way are currently in Louisville, Kentucky. Bill is the news director for WAVE-TV, and Michelle teaches English as a second language. He and Michelle are wonderful parents to their extraordinary daughter, Isabella, who has captured our hearts. We are all tired from many, many steps (I slept until 8:30 this morning!) but filled with joy at having spent time together building memories. Izzy is a writer, a reader, a playwright, a comic, and just a heck of a cute kid. They are off to London today on the EuroStar, the fast train which goes under the English Channel and often referred to as The Chunnel. They didn’t really want to leave Paris.
We joined them yesterday at their hotel, and after a trip up L’Arc de Triomphe for them, we went in pursuit of two restaurants that Izzy had found on the internet for a school project she prepared last year. Both were in the Les Halles area. We had lunch at one called Champeaux right next to the new Foum de Halles canopy. Great choice. Then dessert at the other which you see here in the photo.
That put us on what we call the “food street,” rue Montorgueil or something close. Fabulous area of Paris. Check it out on your next visit. I spent hours looking at apartments in this area potentially for next year only to find that most were studios of less than 500 square feet. Not to our liking!
Here is the gorgeous newly-cleaned Eglise St. Eustache.

We were off next to Luxembourg Gardens using Isabella’s scavenger hunt book. Enjoy the tour and all the statues which she had to find.
We concluded our week with dinner at Café de L’Homme snuggled against the Eiffel Tower. What a way to finish…enjoy the pics.
I’m back to horrible issues getting this post ready…it’s taken hours. I’ve decided that it’s related to a very erratic internet connection. Maddening!
Have a good weekend,
L & B
June 23, 2018 @ 11:56 am
Absolument fantastique! Love the top photo and I think Isabella has captured the hearts of your blog readers as well. Thank you both for the book reference!
Cheers and have a great weekend L&B. We look forward to seeing you soon. À bientôt à Paris!
June 23, 2018 @ 1:56 pm
Izzy is a remarkable child, our pleasure to have her here.
June 23, 2018 @ 11:57 am
Such a treat to have guests with a polite and charming daughter visiting with y’all in Paris. You may have internet issues, however if you did not tell us we would never know as your blog and the exceptional photos are so terrific and enjoyable!
June 23, 2018 @ 1:55 pm
Glad my frustration doesn’t come through!!!
June 23, 2018 @ 1:24 pm
You certainly have had a wonderful week. Izzy has made it just a little different because she’s had HER book to add to your usual wonderful mix.g, We’ve all benefitted. Rest up. Who’s coming next? Before long, I think you and Bernie could hire out as guides for people you don’t know.
And yes, even though you’re having problems, we aren’t. Thank you again for the pictures and tales.
June 23, 2018 @ 1:55 pm
Our next guests come on July 10 and another set on July 12. Two couples at the same time: Jodie & Dennis Clements and Sharon & Johnny Tyson coming from Arizona. It will be another busy time.
June 23, 2018 @ 2:19 pm
Izzy has captured the elegant look of a Parisian child. She is lovely. So glad you guests had such a wonderful time with you.
June 23, 2018 @ 7:55 pm
Izzy is a star. I agree with Ms. Bilbro, Izzy looked like she belonged and is right at home in Paris. Didn’t Bernie play in a pool like the one with kids and sailboats when he was young? I’m glad you included the quiet, shady reflection pool again. Very inviting – looks like a great place to take a break.
June 24, 2018 @ 3:14 am
Yes, Bernie pushed around the sailboats in the big pool at Luxemboroug! Glad you remembered.
June 24, 2018 @ 9:05 pm
Once again, Linda, your blog has become part of my morning meditation right after spiritual readings and prayer. Your pictures and experiences in one of my favorite cities start my day offi with totally joy so thanks again to you and Bernie! I have to say too how much Isabella reminds me of Natalie at that age, her body and facial features and her spunk! Do you see the same???
June 25, 2018 @ 2:44 am
Carol, sweet comments about Natalie. Merci, and glad you are enjoying the blog.