A Stroll on the Left Bank or Rive Gauche
Yesterday was quite cool with a brisk wind, enough to almost move us indoors at lunch! It’s so weird to have these kind of temps in August. The city has definitely emptied out from vacationing Parisians. It was already sparse but now it’s eerily quiet. Makes for good sleeping on our busy little street.
We spent the day on the Left Bank or Rive Gauche on foot enjoying the sights, the smells, the serendipities along the way. Walk with us!

By the way a Magot is not what you’re thinking. It literally means a figure from the Far East. There are two statues inside which represent the Deux Magots and the name belonged originally to a fabric and novelty shop at nearby 23 Rue de Buci. The shop sold silk lingerie. The two statues represent Chinese mandarins, or magicians.
So now you are a flaneur or one who strolls along in Paris!
À bientôt
L & B
August 6, 2021 @ 11:43 am
Such a lovely stroll! But so eerie to see the empty streets and seats. Keep the lovely photos coming. It’s delightful to “walk” with you!
August 6, 2021 @ 11:55 am
Can’t tell if my post came through??
August 6, 2021 @ 3:32 pm
Merci and thanks for your comments almost every day! I have to approve each one before they will post.
August 6, 2021 @ 12:43 pm
The images of the church were spectacular!!!!!! Beautifully renovated!!! I remember the narrow street and the restaurant with Jefferson/Franklin ties. We ate there in 2018. Great food.
I enjoyed the stroll Buddy!!
August 6, 2021 @ 3:32 pm
Yes, many fond memories and even today we thought of Johnny. I’ll post about our visit to Le Musée Carnavalet tomorrow and the toy soldiers!
August 6, 2021 @ 12:43 pm
Pictures brought back fond memories of the lovely church(my how it looks now!!) and our visit to Les Deux Magots. Remember the chestnuts? Oh to be able to stroll in those rejuvenating temps.! We brought Huntsville MN temps for a week.😉 Heat returning next week with a vengeance.
August 6, 2021 @ 3:33 pm
It was cold here this morning but has warmed up nicely. Still weird for August!
August 6, 2021 @ 1:13 pm
Wow, so many great images today. Forgive me for having too much to say and ask. First, is the girl in the first picture a statue or a mime? Of course, the St. Germain des Pres area is one of my favorites, especially the Eglise St. Germain des pres and the Les Deux Magots. I appreciated the pictures of the renovated church. It was covered when we were there and I was disappointed not to see it finished. Remember, I lit a candle there for Brad. I loved all the door knockers as well as the swinging chairs. Just a bit of trivia you may already know. During the Victorian era, the aristocracy would take their door knockers down when they traveled to their country estates so people would know they were not at home and wouldn’t call for a visit. Not the sort of thing we want to do these days since signs of our leaving home is more of an invitation for burglars to visit. Best to you both—enjoying your trip immensely.
August 6, 2021 @ 3:30 pm
The first image was a statue on the street. No info on her unfortunately. Loved knowing about the door knockers. Times have certainly changed! Thinking of you and wishing you forward progress on the health front, my friend.
August 6, 2021 @ 3:30 pm
So many good photos. I loved the first one of the bronze lady. Doors are all very interesting. Swinging chairs at St. Germain looked fun. I want to eat at Les Deux Magots! And finally the church is beautiful. I would like to see that in person.
August 6, 2021 @ 3:50 pm
Well, you and Bob will have to come again!
August 6, 2021 @ 5:08 pm
Possibly a Catalpa tree. We always called them cigar trees. Love your blog!!!
August 6, 2021 @ 6:48 pm
Merci for enlightening all of us! Glad you are enjoying our photos!
August 6, 2021 @ 5:36 pm
The little tile repair in the sidewalk is wonderful! Thanks for capturing it for us. We haven’t made it to the Luxembourg yet and the renovated Saint-Germain des Pres definitely has to go on our list of places to try to get to. We enjoyed our Carnavalet Vito with you guys today! I’m sure that will show up in your blog tomorrow!
August 6, 2021 @ 7:39 pm
Thanks, Peggy. I knew you would like that tile!