Shopping and Then Strolling in the Marais of Paris
Dear Friends,
It’s Tuesday morning here in Paris, and we have a few raindrops…only a few. The city needs rain badly as it’s only rained one time since our arrival on June 1. Everything is dusty and dry with some of the leaves dropping from trees. Hopefully, the day will bring a good downpour and rejuvenate the landscape.
Yesterday was a shopping day in the morning and then an afternoon stroll through the 3rd arrondissement or section of Paris. We were looking for a new restaurant called Glou, found it, and booked a reservation for tonight. We’re trying to sample different places as much as possible. We’ll report on it tomorrow.
The rest of the afternoon was just a gentle stroll through familiar and unfamiliar streets, enjoying the breeze and 70-degree temps. We were as the French say, flâneurs.

We discovered an amazing retro shop full of women’s accessories, especially clutch purses and jewelry. One could spend hours here. You might wonder why we were shooting photos through the window, and that’s because the shop proprietors sometimes get upset if you’re taking pictures inside. And even occasionally, they shoo you away from the exterior photography as well. Sometimes, we ask permission, and we probably should have done that yesterday. But then they can say “no,” and we get nothing. So better to ask forgiveness than permission, oui?
Our final discovery was a beautiful art gallery and exposition inside what we assume was a former Catholic cloister. It is now a very old, rundown Lutheran church. The gallery was intriguing.
I apologize if sometimes the photos appear to be out of sequence. That’s because both of us are shooting…Bernie with his great camera and me, with my little iPhone. The way I have to insert into this program gets a little funky, unless I do photos one at a time which takes forever. So, as I’m fond of saying…it is what it is.
The “Purely Paris” photo of the day is another shot through the window at some bold fashion:
Bonne journée,
L & B
June 27, 2017 @ 9:46 am
Love ‘it is what it is’ – so true. Merci for the morning read and photos.
June 27, 2017 @ 10:49 am
I truly enjoy your strolling days and how you discover new and different sites, shops, and restaurants. Fun pictures today.
June 27, 2017 @ 1:13 pm
I enjoyed that day we strolled thru those quaint Marais streets. So pleasant and enjoyable. Our cool days of respit end tomorrow 😢.
June 27, 2017 @ 1:31 pm
I just very quickly went through several of your recent posts and it finally came to me the variety of sights, sounds, tastes, fashion, art, architecture and experiences you are showing us. Is that because you & Bernie have an eye for these and are pulled to these adventures or is this variety a main attraction to Paris for anyone?
June 27, 2017 @ 1:46 pm
Hi Pat,
I am always looking for the interesting and unusual for the blog and over the years have learned what folks like to see. BUT Paris is full of delights, even to the novice. Unfortunately, people only stay 3 or 4 days and just don’t have time to take it all in. It’s overwhelming on the first trip, struggling with the metro, the language differences, the directions, etc. We have a wonderful luxury of seeing Paris through a relaxed set of eyes. How blessed!
June 27, 2017 @ 1:59 pm
Always a pleasure to read your everyday articles Linda ! I already knew the cloister but not the shop ! It looks very nice ! And I agree with you Linda : better to ask forgiveness than permission, oui? (!!!) Yes Parisian shop keeper can be upset..; and fussy both about the inside of their shop and their window display !!! 🙂 Thank you for this Monday walk 🙂
June 27, 2017 @ 2:13 pm
So nice to hear from you! I hope you have been busy with clients and showing them your wonderful version of Paris. Let’s schedule a time to get together. We have guests coming tomorrow for a few days. We are free July 4 and 5. Also July 10-21. Bernie’s son, James, will be here some of that time, but he and his partner, Stephen like to head out on their own most of the time. The Bilbro’s arrive about the same time as James. Maybe a dinner altogether?? Do you know the restaurant Basilic near the Musée Rodin? We want to try it.
June 27, 2017 @ 2:45 pm
Thank you for the stroll. Wondering if Perlerie is the name/address of the retro shop. Coming to Paris in September & always looking for something unique.
June 27, 2017 @ 3:10 pm
A Perlerie is a shop of pearls. This store is Tout à Loisirs at 50, rue des Archives in the 4th arrondissement. Hope you can find it! Take line 1 and exit at Hotel de Ville. It’s back a good walk behind the BHV, the big department store in the Marais.
June 27, 2017 @ 3:19 pm
I am enjoying being with you by strolling the streets of Paris in absentia by you side!!!!
June 27, 2017 @ 3:29 pm
We lit another candle for you today and said many prayers for your miracle! I think it’s working!!
June 27, 2017 @ 5:41 pm
That amazing street mural looks like it is where there has been a different Don Quijote painting for several years. Maybe they’ve changed it!