Wonderful Party on Rue St. Paul in the Marais
It is Quatorze Julliet, the 14th of July, or Bastille Day, here in Paris. It will be a wild, crazy, loud day and night as the festivities are many. We plan to assume our usual spot on the Pont d’Arcole, a bridge on the Seine, where we can watch the magnificent fly-by of the bleu, blanc, rouge (blue, white and red) streamers representing the French flag from the jets whizzing by. We’ll stick around to watch the large military planes zoom overhead as well.
Since the American army is marching, we very seriously considered going to the Champs Elysées, but it’s difficult to find a viewing spot unless you go three hours ahead (no bathrooms), and then you often can’t see very much. In other words, maybe we’re getting old and don’t want the hassle. We’ve done it several times in the past, and it’s a very special memory.
Then we will follow another tradition by going to Le Bouquet St. Paul right below our apartment to watch pieces of the parade come by as it breaks up. Much of the artillery and the large fire engines come whizzing through the neighborhood. We are indefinite about our plans for the evening because the mass of humanity and the security will make it difficult to navigate anywhere close to the Eiffel Tower where the fireworks take place. Trump’s visit has closed many roads, etc. as you can imagine. So, we’ll see what we decide to do.
One thing is quite sure in that we won’t be attending the big Firemen’s Ball right across the street where the good-looking firemen dance until the wee hours of the night, rumored to be in the nude by around 2am!
Last evening our party was a wonderful success. Bernie and I worked most of the day on the food, and it was devoured with eagerness. All brought wine or champagne or wonderful pastries for dessert. We broke up at 11, tired but very pleased with the joy of being with both new and old friends. Hope you enjoy the photos, many of which are from Peggy Bilbro…Bernie was too busy pouring champagne!

The “Purely Paris” photo of the day is this charming fellow as he guards the entrance to a men’s clothing shop. He’s there every day as le chien de le magasin, the shop dog. Almost every shop in Paris has one!
Wish us a happy, busy day!
L & B
July 14, 2017 @ 10:47 am
What a beautiful evening for all! Everything looks wonderful and the photos are great.
Wishing you all a très bonne fête nationale today. Vive Paris et vive la France!
July 14, 2017 @ 10:53 am
Merci, Carolyn. Bonne fête à vous!
July 14, 2017 @ 10:50 am
Well it appears that your party was a rousing success! So happy you and your friends enjoyed one another. Your Purely Paris photo reminds me of a Sharpi we once had. They are great dogs.
July 14, 2017 @ 11:20 am
I wake up every morning and enjoy your blog. Looks as if your party was a smashing success and the food looks wonderful! I look forward to reading about Bastille Day. And you look so pretty, Linda! Thank you so much! Melissa Brinkley ps I know the Bilbros so that makes this even more enjoyable!
July 14, 2017 @ 11:37 am
Thanks for your very kind comments! We will be with the Bilbro’s again tonight for the fireworks…hopefully if we can find a spot. Security is very tight.
July 14, 2017 @ 1:00 pm
Your party food looked lovely. Wish we could have been there! I love that you and Bernie have a little coterie of friends in you neighborhood. You two have “assimilated” well into Parisian life and culture. Linda, you even look French in your cute dresses!
July 14, 2017 @ 2:06 pm
July 14, 2017 @ 3:22 pm
Linda, I have followed along, reserving your last 4 blogs for today on our drive home from visiting our son. I have drooled over food, flowers and your clothes/parties/street scenes. But the Dior Exhibit!!!! I am so happy I got to see that via you & Bernie. To miss that would have me weeping!
July 14, 2017 @ 3:57 pm
So nice to hear from you, June! And yes, the Dior was magnifique!
July 15, 2017 @ 11:34 pm
Love the photos of the party! 🎉🎉🎉