Bois de Boulogne and La Grande Cascade
Bonjour, One of our fun goals each summer in Paris is to explore new places. . . which is becoming more challenging as the years go by. But we generally can find a new surprise or two, some of which have been on our list for a long while. After many attempts to find our […]
Féte de la Musique in Paris
Bonjour mes amis, The question I have been asked by many of you is, “Are you all okay in Paris?” This seems to be driven by extreme media reports coming out of Paris about street riots over football, stinky garbage piling up on streets, strikes and other manifestations over labor disputes, dysfunctional transportation, etc. I […]
A Wonderful Father’s Day Sunday in Paris
Bonsoir mes amis, Sunday is such a special day in Paris. . . easier, quieter, more relaxed with families outside everywhere. Most stores are closed and many restaurants as well. Our day began with a walk across the river for a special Father’s Day lunch with Bernie’s son. We noticed that the Seine has risen at […]
Saturday in Paris…Shangri La!
Happy weekend to all of you! I can tell that summer has arrived as I’m sensing many of you are busy with summer travel and side trips to fun places. At least I hope so. Happy Father’s Day tomorrow to all the Dads! This morning was laundry day for us in our new apartment which […]
Moving Day in Paris
Bonjour, After a very busy morning of packing and unpacking, we are in our new apartment which will be our home for the second month of our Paris visit! We LOVE it…very light, breezy and much more room than we had before. However, we will remember 42BIS on rue St. Paul with much fondness and […]
Three Centuries of Paris Fashion at Les Arts Décoratif
Bonjour, Some days are slow and lazy, and this has been one of them. The weather is still quite cool, and we managed a pouring rain about 1:30 which kept us inside at the Musée d’Arts Décoratif. I began my day early with a much-needed haircut. I always hold my breath a bit when I […]
The Eiffel Tower Light Show for Orlando
Bonjour mes amis, Last evening, though tired, sleepy and feeling our age, we made our way to the Eiffel Tower. . . when reasonable people should be heading to bed! There were special ceremonies in memory of the victims of the Orlando shooting. We felt we had to be there since it was our country […]
Paris and “Football” Frenzy
Salut! It’s a gray Monday in Paris with intermittent light drizzle and around 60 degrees. We welcomed Bernie’s son, James, this morning and his partner, Stephen. Their studio apartment is about a 3-minute walk from us on the top floor of another 16th century building in the Marais. I’m sure they have at least 70 […]