Back to a Very Hot Paris…After a Crazy Travel Day
Bonjour on this Sunday morning, Well, the best I can say is that we are home after a very frustrating travel Saturday out of Norway. We all know how frustrating one person in an organization can be in the circle of travel, how bad customer service can derail everything. Such was the case yesterday out […]
Nyksund: Journey to the End of the World in Norway!
Bonjour mes amis, Yesterday, I was under the weather and spent probably the best weather day in the hotel room. Bummer! Thus, there was no blog. I am better today, and we had quite an adventure to a quaint, old, and very remote fishing village on one of the many archipelagos near Harstad. Access was […]
Exploring the Lofoten Mountains and Fjords of Norway
Dear Friends, Despite miserable weather…wind, rain, fog and 49 degrees, we pressed onward today to discover the area around Lofoten. It’s truly a shame that the fog was so bad but we tried to get as many photos as we could to show off the region. We had hoped that it might clear after lunch, […]
A Chilly, Blustery Welcome on Our First Day in Harstad, Norway
Hello from Norway! We arrived in Harstad, Norway at midnight last night only to discover a few things we should have already been prepared for…cold rain, blowing rain, and 24 hours of daylight! I brought everything I could layer and have used every bit of it so far! This is the time of the midnight […]
Le Weekend In Paris…Resting, Packing, and Laundry
Bonjour! C’est Dimanche. It’s Sunday morning after a festive, fun, busy week. We are resting up for a new exciting week ahead…a trip to Norway’s coastal region with Bernie’s French cousins, Pierre and Laurie Verdier. You’ve met them many times before if you’ve been on the blog for a while. We link up with them […]
A Week of Gorgeous Weather in Paris with the Shory’s
Bonjour, Yesterday was our final day with the Shory’s who by the way are currently in Louisville, Kentucky. Bill is the news director for WAVE-TV, and Michelle teaches English as a second language. He and Michelle are wonderful parents to their extraordinary daughter, Isabella, who has captured our hearts. We are all tired from many, […]
Summer Solstice in Paris: Cafe Marly, Les Tuileries, Fete du Musique
Bonjour, First a word about yesterday’s post. About 7:25am, the crazy system took over from me and posted without my initiative a post that had only one paragraph and no pics. Some of you noticed and commented. Later, I updated that post to the real thing with commentary and lovely photos. It all depends on […]
The Ideal Day in Montmartre…Sun, Friends, and Fun
Bonjour mes amis, If you’ve been on my blog for years, you know that Montmartre is my favorite spot in Paris. If you have our book, “Bernie’s Paris,” I invite you to reread the section describing my attachment to this little Eden of old Paris bliss. I worked diligently with each carefully chosen word to […]