Enjoy Our Slow, Easy, Second Day in Paris
Bonjour, It’s wonderful to have new folks following the blog this year plus all the Facebook friends. We love hearing from you so leave us a comment, s’il vous plaît. Some communicated that they were having difficulty with that so I contacted my webmaster last night, and hopefully the issue is fixed. Many of you […]
Perfect Travel into Hot, Bustling Paris
Bonjour, We have arrived in Paris, and all is well: a good travel day, only ten minutes at Customs which was a great improvement over the forty-five minutes last year, and a welcome home to our favorite apartment on rue St. Paul. Our neighbors heard us as we came up the steps and came down […]
Year Fourteen: Paris Here We Come!
Bonjour, I want to go on record that turning one’s body clock around to Paris time is the pits! Yes, it’s a great help after arriving at our apartment but pretty grueling before we leave. I’m now getting up at 1am and going to bed at 6pm in the light of day! Going to bed […]
The Triads Reunion
Dear Friends, Once in a while, life hands us an opportunity to step outside our present reality and see scenes from the past which are rich and enlightening treasures. Such was the last three days for me at a special reunion. If you have read my latest book “Bernie’s Paris,” you may remember a quick […]
What Can Top the Café Chairs from Last Year?
Bonjour mes amis! No, we are not in Paris yet but eagerly anticipating our thirteenth year of summer fun. Many of you have gotten your copy of Bernie’s Paris, and we are so pleased with your feedback. God bless us as we travel into the often uneasy European stage. Many have expressed their hesitation, but rest […]
“Bernie’s Paris – Travel Stories with Love”
Bonjour mes amis, In case you haven’t heard, our Paris book is published and available on Amazon or with a direct order from Amazon’s createspace.com/6010540. To say we are a bit excited is the understatement of the year. We’ve been zealous in getting the word out, and truly hope we haven’t beat the social media […]
What’s It Like to Write a Book?
Dear Friends, You’ve heard it said, as I have, that there’s a book inside every one of us. That’s probably true, and there are hundreds of new books that come out every day, far too many to ever read. The publishing world has morphed into an entirely new creature, even in the last two years. […]
The Rest of the Paris Story
Dear Friends, We have been home from Paris for a month almost to the day. If you read my final blog which I posted on July 16, you may remember that I had injured my foot, etc. etc. This was especially challenging because of the 78 steps we had the last month! FINALLY, I was […]